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Recently, as I was reading through the comments on all our brownie recipes, one suggestion in particular stood out: Refrigerate the batter overnight for a richer, chewier brownie.

The tip rang a bell, and after a bit of Googling, I discovered why: Alice Medrich, author of several dessert cookbooks (and recipient of the title “First Lady of Chocolate“), writes in her book Seriously Bitter Sweet: The Ultimate Dessert Maker’s Guide to Chocolate that “refrigerating the brownie batter in the pan for several hours, or as long as two days before baking, wreaks enormous transformations: it improves the top gloss and crustiness, and it also blends the flavors so that the brownies taste much richer — and the texture is chewier too.”

The tip has been widely shared by a number of food websites (and Bon Appetit is in support of the tip, too), but I was skeptical. Did it really make that much of a difference that it was worth waiting a full extra day to eat delicious homemade brownies? I had to find out.


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