My perfect day involves an 85-90 degree day at a beach (preferably with waves), my girlfriend, other friends, a lounge chair, a cooler full of sandwiches and beer. Honestly…I could repeat that day 10,000 times on various beaches of the world an never get bored. The thing is, I'm a fair skinned German-Irish-Scandinavian mixed breed. I've always felt a bit of guilt for going out in the sun, because we've been trained that it is like playing Russian Roulette with skin cancer. Fair skinned people like me are especially warned to avoid sun exposure. Is that sound advice?
[Why am I writing about sun tanning in December? Well…this blog has a large readership from Australia and New Zealand. I figured I would do a summer post that would match their seasons for once.]
Read more on Avoiding the Sun to Avoid Skin Cancer? Recent Studies Challenge That Advice….
Original post by admin