pimg class=”alignright” title=”Gift Giving” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2010/giftgiving.jpg” alt=”giftgiving” width=”320″ height=”212″ /It#8217;s holiday time, at least around here, and that means gift-giving. And since you#8217;re reading this post, you#8217;re likely a card-carrying Primal fanatic who would like to see as many people involved in this lifestyle as possible. If that#8217;s the case, tailoring your gifts to the Primal lifestyle could be a great way to get people involved. For one, it requires no money on their part. They just have to be there to receive it. Second, it#8217;s a gift, so they#8217;ll feel obliged to at least try it on for size. And third, all of this stuff is actually pretty cool and very useful. It#8217;s not as if you#8217;re gifting them a variety pack of desiccated a title=”6 Sneaky Ways to Work Offal Into Your Diet” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/6-sneaky-ways-to-work-offal-into-your-diet/”offal/a./p
pWith this year#8217;s gift post, I did something a little different than in a title=”13 Holiday […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Cardio | Dec 12, 201110 New Fat-Blasting Tabata Workouts Take your tabata off the treadmill and torch calories in 4 minutes with these moves Known as the closest thing we have to a fitness miracle, the Tabata workout is loved by researchers and fitness pros alike for its unparalleled fat-torching abilities and simplicity. To do a “Tabata,” simply pick an exercise and set a timer for 20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest. Do the exercise as hard as you possibly can for 20 seconds and then rest for 10, repeating 8-20 times total. Don’t be fooled: These moves may seem simple, but they’re not! If you’re not seeing stars by the end, you’re not pushing hard enough.

Link – 

Bicycle Sprints – Cardio Exercise: 10 Tabata Workouts for Interval …

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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Preggers” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2010/pregnant2.jpg” alt=”pregnant2″ width=”320″ height=”212″ /Today is Monday, which heralds another edition of a title=”Dear Mark” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/dear-mark/”Dear Mark/a. This week, I#8217;m giving my two cents on what could be causing the widespread incidence of lowered alcohol tolerance in Primal eaters. It#8217;s nice to be a cheap date, but sometimes we want to keep up with everyone else, right? I give a few ideas on exercises for pregnant women who want to remain active without any complications arising, and I discuss whether the amount of sun our ancestral homelands saw play a role in how much a title=”Let the Sun Shine In” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/sun-vitamin-d/”sun/a we should get. Finally, I discuss whether a knee should be mobile or stable, along with a few strategies to have and maintain healthy knees./p
pLet#8217;s go./p
pspan id=”more-25270″/span/p
blockquotepDear Mark,/p
pI#8217;ve been following your (awesome!) PB Fitness protocol for over a year now. I#8217;m not pregnant at the time but […]

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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Dark Chocolate Macadamia Bark with Sea Salt” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2010/chocbark2.jpg” alt=”chocbark2″ width=”320″ height=”220″ /‘Tis the season of candy and sugary baked goods showing up everywhere you go. Plates of cookies, tins of caramel corn, strings of candy canes and leaden logs of fruitcake – why these things symbolize good cheer is hard to figure out. There’s no reason to be a complete Scrooge about holiday desserts, though, just as there’s no reason to deprive yourself entirely if you’re craving something festive. When your sweet tooth goes looking for the ultimate dessert indulgence this year, look no further. emDark Chocolate Macadamia Bark Sprinkled with Sea Salt/em tastes fully and completely like “real” dessert. Not only will you enjoy every bite, so will the family and friends that you gift it to (hint, hint, don’t eat it emall /emyourself!)/p
pspan id=”more-25251″/spanThis perfectly Primal dessert is loaded with flavonoids from the a title=”The 5 […]

Original post by Worker Bee 2

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div class=”breakout”
pIt’s Friday, everyone! And that means another a title=”Success Stories” href=”../../category/success-stories/?submit=view” target=”_self”Primal Blueprint Real Life Story/a from a Mark#8217;s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me a title=”Contact Me!” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-book/share-success-story/” target=”_self”here/a. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!/p
pimg class=”alignright” title=”Primal Blueprint Real Life Story” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2009/real_life_stories_stories-1-2.jpg” alt=”real life stories stories 1 2″ width=”320″ height=”240″ /Hi, my name is Frank Sabia Jr.. My story starts out like most in that for my whole entire life I have struggled with my weight. I ate well as a child and never developed weight issues until my late teens when my eating outpaced my activity. From there it was a slow and steady increase in weight gain. Like a lot of people, I […]

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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Ritual” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2010/prayer.jpg” alt=”prayer” width=”300″ height=”300″ /The holiday season for many people, my family included, has a simple pattern about it. We’re relatively understated about the whole affair, but there are certain things we do because, well, we do them every year. December, for example, wouldn’t be the same without the small, casual solstice gathering we host. In the midst of the greater hoopla (and maybe as an antidote to it), I always look forward to that evening. Fill in your own holiday and routines, but the principle applies for most people. Let’s consider the “royal we” here. We put up certain decorations and bring out certain dishes. We cook a specific slate of recipes. We gather at these houses for these particular parties. We might take the kids to this museum or go to this play. We attend the same services and concerts. We volunteer time or […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Sweet Potatoes” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2010/sweetpotatoes3.jpg” alt=”sweetpotatoes3″ width=”320″ height=”212″ /Having yielded to those of you who still insist on running a marathon, yesterday I offered a title=”How to Train for a Marathon” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-train-for-a-marathon/”a training strategy that gets you the best results with the least amount of damage/a. Today#8217;s post is about fueling a marathon #8211; what food to eat and when to eat it. It#8217;s not solely about race day nutrition, because if you just focused on what to eat the day of the race, you#8217;d be missing out on a lot (and you#8217;d likely have problems finishing, or at the very least your performance would suffer). It#8217;s about what to eat while a title=”How to Train for a Marathon” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-train-for-a-marathon/”training/a, a few days before the race, and the day of the race itself. This is the stuff I would do if I had to go back and do another marathon […]

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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Marathon Runner” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2010/marathon2.jpg” alt=”marathon2″ width=”319″ height=”212″ /Leading into this post, I promised myself that I wouldn#8217;t try to dissuade people from running marathon(s) or any long distance races. I already do that plenty in a title=”A Case Against Cardio” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/case-against-cardio/”other posts/a, so today#8217;s is geared toward the folks that simply are going to run a marathon or marathons, regardless of what I say. I know these people exist because I used to be one. Running a marathon can be a huge bucket-list accomplishment. With that in mind, when people write in to ask me about training for a marathon, I think about what I would do in that situation knowing what I know now. How would I train to do the least damage and get the most benefit? Truth is, if I put my mind to it, and you had elite level potential, I could most likely train […]

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pimg class=”alignright” title=”Green Beans” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2010/greenbeans.jpg” alt=”greenbeans” width=”320″ height=”212″ /For today#8217;s a title=”Dear Mark” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/dear-mark/”Dear Mark/a post, I#8217;m going to hold off on doing a big roundup and instead focus on a single question that keeps appearing in my inbox: the suitability of green beans and peas in a a title=”The Primal Blueprint” href=”http://primalblueprint.com/products/The-Primal-Blueprint.html”Primal Blueprint/a eating plan. I regret not getting to it sooner, for I can imagine the Vibram-clad pausing in produce aisles across the world, looming over the bright green beans and agonizing over the antinutrient content of the admittedly tasty a title=”Dear Mark: Beans/Legumes” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/beans-legumes-carbs/”legumes/a, dipping their callused hands heavy with barbell stink into the display case full of sweet peas, letting the tiny green pearls cascade through their fingers like Maximus Decimus Meridius caressing the stalks of a title=”Why Grains Are Unhealthy” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/why-grains-are-unhealthy/”wheat/a in Gladiator and thinking of casseroles from days long past. Well, wonder no more. […]

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By Chris MartinezNovember. 2011-Why is it that cardio is always the hot topic of fitness discussion and seems to be the fix all solution to burning fat? As we have all learned and I have written about in the past that cardio is not the fix all solution when it comes to body compositional changes anymore.

Taken from – 

Dynamic Duo Training | What type of cardio is right for you?

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