It’s Monday, which means it’s time for another round of “Dear Mark” questions. Now that I’m no longer doing Workouts of the Week, maybe I’ll have time to get to more questions than before. For now, I’ll play it by ear and see how things go. Today, we have a question from a coconut oil-intolerant reader wondering if whole coconut, which he can consume, is just as healthy as the oil. Another reader suffers from plantar fasciitis, which flared up after going barefooting, and wants help fixing it. I also field a question about drinking seawater for the minerals, which, believe it or not, I’ve considered in the past (but a better solution popped up, thankfully). And finally, I try to help a reader with a bottomless pit for a stomach.
Is eating the whole coconut as beneficial as eating the oil? I have candida and I’ve read that coconut oil […]
Original post by Mark Sisson