It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

My name is Nick and I’m a 49-year-old recovered alcoholic, former “fattie” and a former track athlete who competed in the 10,000 meters at the 1984 Olympic Trials, which now seems like a million years ago! In my 20s, I was sidetracked as an athlete by a series of injuries and burnout, a story not far removed from that of Mark Sisson. I then plunged into a 20-year exercise in self-pity and substance abuse, all the while maintaining the seemingly successful facade of a highly-paid software […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Are you looking to tone and strengthen your stomach? Well, you came to the right place-  because I am going to show you the PERFECT workout to get in great shape and really tone that belly. Here’s how:
When looking to burn off fat, the critical component here is to put your body in the “fat-burning zone”. To help with that, I’m going to recommend a special training technique called High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT.
The idea behind HIIT is simple. By getting your heart beat up in a workout, you increase your body’s metabolism for a limited amount of time, allowing you to burn calories even when the workout is better. Now, here is a little more information about these exercises for belly fat:
We’re going to combine sprinting with body weight workouts, for a full toning and burning effect.
Here’s the workout:

From 2-8 60 meter sprints depending on your level. 30 […]

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We in the Primal community talk a lot about the modern medical situation – the growing prevalence of lifestyle disease and the misguided, costly paths conventional health wisdom too often prescribes. Still, some conditions seem less – well, conditional – than others. Take eyesight, for example. If we wear glasses or contacts, we look to our families or age. While genetics and years certainly have their influence, is that the entire story for everyone? Is vision a wholly “closed” process – set in motion and then untouched by overall health and physiologic interaction, or is it more dynamic and systemic than that?
I get a fair number of emails from folks who wonder about their eye health in a Primal context. A while back I looked at the potential role of sunlight in preventing myopia, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. The post got people thinking. What are […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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506b143edbd0cb30810017e4._w.540_h.387_s.fit_ This post was originally published on this site

Where do you find yourself wasting food? As much as we hate food waste, sometimes we fall into the same traps over and over again — buying too many apples at the farmers market, forgetting a load of spinach in the crisper drawer. I have been trying to identify the places where I most frequently slip up, and for me, that means salad greens.

Here’s one way to eke a little more use out of a load of salad greens and hopefully avoid waste.


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You know how we say that grains exist on a spectrum of suitability, from “really bad” wheat to “not so terrible” rice? Well, what about the rest of ‘em? They may be the most commonly consumed (and thus encountered) grains, but wheat and rice aren’t the only grains on the spectrum. Since I get a lot of email about oats, I figured they were a good choice for this post. Besides – though I was (and still mostly am) content to toss the lot of them on the “do not eat” pile, I think we’re better served by more nuanced positions regarding grains. Hence, my rice post. Hence, my post on traditionally prepared grains. And hence, today’s post on oats. Not everyone can avoid all grains at all times, and not everyone wants to avoid all grains at all times. For those situations, it makes sense to have a game plan, a way to […]

Original post by Worker Bee 2

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If you already eat Primal, your email inboxes are most likely filling up with links to the story. Concerned mothers clutching the local paper’s “Health” section are calling (or, if they’re hip, texting). Smug vegetarian Facebook friends are posting the story on your wall, sans commentary. Yes, it’s about that time again. It’s another week, it’s another observational study by data-mining researchers hoping to establish a solid link between red meat and some chronic, horrific illness. So, what’s killing us this time? Well, considering that they’ve already done studies linking red meat to colorectal cancer, heart disease, and outright death, type 2 diabetes is next.

Here’s a link to the full study (PDF). Researchers drew on data from three large-scale dietary habit questionnaires of medical professionals to explore how red and processed meat intakes associated with the incidence of type 2 diabetes. The first set was the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Last blog post I discussed the concept of impulsivity being the root cause of obesity for many people.
(The take away was that Impulse control is incredibly important to weight loss success.)
I also shared my views on the difference between being impulsive and being spontaneous.
Living spontaneously means a flexible lifestyle, where you do things of your own accord. It’s not that you are doing things without knowledge of the consequences, but that you’re willing to see where the path takes you, without struggling or trying to force events to occur.
Living Impulsively is a mass-consumption lifestyle, where you do things to meet your immediate urges with little to no regard for the long term consequences – it’s not about the path, but the immediate satisfaction.
So to test my theory, I lived impulsively for ten days. Not only that, but […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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It’s a lovely summer morning here in Malibu. The cool sea breeze keeps the coming warmth at bay, for now, and makes me glad for the hot mug of coffee I’m clutching. I’ve still got a couple hours before heading into the office, so I’m hoping that I can get this post wrapped up and edited in time to hit the water for a bit of paddle boarding. We’ll see. I’ll try not to rush things too much. Today we’ve got a quick round of questions on a diverse set of topics: the suitability of hempseed in the Primal way of eating, whether you can get too much omega-3, and how long vitamin D lingers in the body before you need to replenish your stocks. As always, feel free to keep the questions coming and I’ll do my best to get to them!

Hi Mark,
First off, thank you for the wealth […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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506b1301fb04d60a610013ca._w.540_h.360_s.fit_ This post was originally published on this site

After chopping an unexpectedly powerful jalapeno, my hands were on fire for hours. Washing with soap and water was useless, and ice packs did nothing to tame the burn. Instead I turned to this pantry staple for help.


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We often say that a bowl of thick, creamy Greek-style yogurt mixed with fresh, ripe berries is a good, sensible indulgence dessert option for those that tolerate dairy. As good as it is (especially with some macadamia nuts tossed in), we may have just stumbled upon a dessert that bumps Greek yogurt into second place in the rich and creamy dessert category.
Spoonfuls of fluffy whipped cream layered with berries might not sound like anything new until we tell you that the whipped cream is made entirely from coconut milk – no added sugar and no dairy.

We find that an electric mixer works best, as it whips the most air into the thick coconut cream that separates from the liquid in the can. The result is a silky smooth whipped cream that is not quite as thick as whipped cream made from whole cream, but just as delicious.
Hey, why stop there? […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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