Quick post today –
It’s a very Taoist concept, but consider that the benefits of water come mostly from what is NOT in it.
The vast majority of it’s health benefits come from it’s emptiness.
In this sense it’s the perfect compliment to a fast.
You’re ‘fueling’ your body with emptiness.
Very cool.
Drink more water, and take a second to enjoy it’s emptiness.

Original post by Brad Pilon

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I turned 58 last week and, as I usually do around my birthday, I took some time to reflect upon all that I have to appreciate in my life and all that my Mark’s Daily Apple and PrimalBlueprint.com team have accomplished in the last year. With that, I thought I’d hit a few highlights and bring you all up to date on some of what’s been happening at MDA and with the Primal Blueprint, as well as what’s in store for the near future.
But first things first. And let’s get this one out of the way early, ‘cause I get one or two of these every week.

I have heard you have gotten fat. And all the photos you have on the web are old. Please put up a recent photo with a recent newspaper.

No, I have not gotten fat in the last year and not all the photos are old. […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Clipped from: jasonferruggia.com (share this clip)

via s.tt
A really entertaining post if I do say so myself

Original post by Brad Pilon

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People who like to say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure are smug jerks, especially when it comes to sunburns. While they were eating spoonfuls of tomato paste, canned flamingo, and fish oil, nibbling on grape seeds, using portable vitamin D test kits, and smearing green tea all over their bodies, sure, they didn’t get burned, but were they really living? Because you sure were. You were out there in the sun, just basking in it, arms outstretched to accept its vibrant rays like it was a commercial for a venereal disease medication. You may have gotten a little baked, a little too much color, but it was well worth it… right?
Well, now you’ve gotta deal with this sunburn business. It’s red, it hurts, it’s veritably unhealthy, and you’re about to start peeling. What do you do? How can you soothe the flaming epidermis? How can […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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How was the weekend for you? Mine was kinda tough. Great weather beckoned all weekend, and my paddleboard and I shared mournful glances full of longing, but I was stuck inside working on my talk for the upcoming Ancestral Health Symposium at UCLA. I think it’s going to be a good one, though, so hopefully the work pays off. Okay, enough complaining. It’s Monday, which means another round of questions and answers. This week, we’ve got a pair of scary studies that seem to condemn fat and red meat as the nutritional factors ultimately responsible for all that ails us as a society (what else is new?). I also field a question on teff, a grain used in traditional Ethiopian cooking, from a reader who plans on moving there.

Dear Mark,
Could you comment on this study? Family members have been smugly forwarding articles about it, and I can’t take it anymore.
Body’s […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Nutritionally it’s sound (it made Mark’s “Top 10 Foods I Couldn’t Live Without” list) but broccoli can be pretty one-dimensional on the plate. The intense crunchiness of this cruciferous is why we love it so much, but some days, we wish there was a little more complex flavor along with that crunch. That’s why we’ve taken to dousing it with vinegar and garlic-infused oil, which not only ups the flavor a notch but also gently marinates and softens the broccoli a bit. The vinegar gives the broccoli a tangy, fresh flavor and a bright, bold green hue while the olive oil is being soaked up by each floret like a sponge, giving the broccoli more richness. Red pepper adds color and kalamata olives bring salty acidity to each bite.  This is raw broccoli, but with a little attitude.

Adding the spicy kick of garlic is our favorite part, and varies in […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

Hi Mark,
You recently received a letter from my husband, Nick Bencivenga, and I thought that it’d be nice if you heard my side of the story too. We love your website and going Primal was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. We have great results but more importantly we feel fantastic. As a newly married couple, we are excited to set up such a healthy foundation for ourselves and whatever future family we may have.
I come from a large Italian family and learned how […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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A few weeks ago I got into an unusual conversation with a guy in a coffee shop. We were both passing through town – he for personal travel and me for business. We struck up a conversation waiting in line and ended up chatting for the remainder of our respective stops there. We talked about what we did, where we were headed, etc. When I mentioned the blog and the PB philosophy behind it, his face lit up. He loved the idea and had embraced similar principles several years prior. His latest experiment, the health effects of which he raved about, was adding dirt to his diet. I listened with interest and asked questions.
You all know I’m big on dirt, and more specifically, on probiotic supplementation. And while I’ve touched on the health benefits of dirt, the immune building properties of dirt consumption in children, and the connection between dirt […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Many people, myself included, prefer streamlining fitness to obsessing over its minutiae. Although I’m no fan of their footwear, Nike’s “Just Do It” really does capture my view of what exercise should be. Find what you like doing and what works for you, and simply go do it. But not everyone is that way. Tons of people truly enjoy the nitty gritty details. They like the research, the nutrient timing, the supplementation. They’re the ones discussing the respective differences between sumo deadlifts, regular deadlifts, and Romanian deadlifts. They’re the ones who want to wring out every last drop of performance.
I get that. I used to be like that, too, but now I take more of an academic interest. That’s not to say I don’t pay attention to what I’m doing, because while I like to think I’m just going with the flow and doing what I enjoy, I also like […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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As summer descends upon the world, a young Primal eater’s fancy turns to playful frolicking in the sunshine. And when you’re frolicking, the last thing you want to do is slather a bunch of horrible-smelling, greasy, overpriced sunblock all over your body. It makes you slippery and imbues your countenance with a deathly pallor that is very unbecoming. If you could, you’d love to avoid the nasty practice altogether. You’d love to use more alternative methods. Methods that may not have the support of the medical community, but for which supportive research does exist. Seeing as how a common refrain throughout the newly Primal is that sunburns seem fewer and further between than ever before, I’m guessing that there’s something to it. Dietary? Supplementary?

I’ve noticed the same thing in myself and my family, so I got to wondering: what about going Primal, exactly, might be having this effect? And if […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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