Today’s question addresses a contentious topic in the health arena: fluoride. It’s in (most of) the tap water we use, (most of) the toothpastes with which we brush, and even (all of) the teas we drink. It represents a bloody stage upon which skeptics and the natural health folks battle it out. Many in the Primal community would like to avoid it (as they would any government-endorsed hydroadditive) if possible; if it’s not possible, they at least want to know just how bad the stuff really is and whether its intake can be mitigated. Should we use fluoride-free toothpaste? Should we install household filters? Argh. So many questions and so few definitive answers… and here’s yet another. Ah, life!
Dear Mark,
What’s your take on fluoride? To drink fluoridated water, or to filter it? To use fluoride-free, natural toothpaste, or is it one of the benefits of living in a modern world?
I can’t seem […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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During commercial breaks, complete three cycles of:
15 Single Leg Hip Thrust, Each Leg
15 Overhead Presses
15 Bulgarian Split Squats, Each Leg
15 Bodyweight Rows

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, lateral, forward, and backward leg swings (10 each leg).
Longtime readers and those who are familiar with my views on fitness will know that most workouts can be completed in fifteen minutes or less. If you push hard enough and involve enough body parts, you can get a great comprehensive workout in just fifteen minutes, which, coincidentally, is roughly the amount of time devoted to advertisements during the average hour long TV show.
“Huh? Television? Why, I’d have you know that I spend all my free time reading blogs, meditating, cooking, or immersing myself in nature. I’m not sure I even have a TV anymore!”
Yeah, right. You may not be staying up late watching crappy infomercials, but you’ve got a television and you know how […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Metabolic Resistance Training for Fat Loss is a hot topic.Craig B gives us some great info below…Now over to fitness expert, Craig Ballantyne, to explain whymetabolic resistance training is so important for fat loss.“What is Metabolic Resistance Training”By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS, CTTTT Metabolic Resistance Training Workout ProgramWhat the heck are these metabolic resistance training workouts thateveryone keeps talking about for fat loss? Well, you’ve probablyheard the term because the internet is buzzing about this type oftraining for fat burning.After all, gone are the days of slow cardio for weight loss. Heck,even interval training is starting to get passed over. All in favorof this specific type of workout called metabolic resistancetraining.It’s really exciting though, to know that we can build muscle andlose fat at the same time, while getting lean and even havingripped six-pack abs thanks to these short, burst workouts.

Original post: 

Metabolic Resistance Training for Fat Loss – fitness bootcamp …

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Metabolic Resistance Training for Fat Loss is a hot topic.Craig B gives us some great info below…Now over to fitness expert, Craig Ballantyne, to explain whymetabolic resistance training is so important for fat loss.“What is Metabolic Resistance Training”By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS, CTTTT Metabolic Resistance Training Workout ProgramWhat the heck are these metabolic resistance training workouts thateveryone keeps talking about for fat loss? Well, you’ve probablyheard the term because the internet is buzzing about this type oftraining for fat burning.After all, gone are the days of slow cardio for weight loss. Heck,even interval training is starting to get passed over. All in favorof this specific type of workout called metabolic resistancetraining.It’s really exciting though, to know that we can build muscle andlose fat at the same time, while getting lean and even havingripped six-pack abs thanks to these short, burst workouts. And youdon’t need fancy, expensive equipment

Original source – 

Metabolic Resistance Training for Fat Loss – Fitness Bootcamp Club

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Link to article:

Truth About Metabolic Resistance Training Workouts – Early To Rise

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Catfish is often covered in a bulletproof coating of cornmeal and spices or drowned in a heavy, highly seasoned sauce. This leads one to believe that the main point of catfish recipes is to draw your taste bud’s attention away from the fish itself. This is a shame, because the flavor of catfish is actually quite delicate and pleasant, and rarely fishy. If you don’t believe us, try our recipe for Buttery Catfish with Creamy Shallot Sauce and just see if it doesn’t change your mind.
In this recipe the fish is seasoned only with salt, topped with a creamy shallot, butter and coconut milk sauce and finished with a garnish of chives. The catfish soaks up the rich sauce and whatever remains you’ll be tempted to lick right off the plate. “Buttery” is a good way to describe both the sauce and the texture of the fish – every bite […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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Hey everyone, this weekend is shaping up to be a busy one! junior Assuncao, former UFC star and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu blackbelt will be coming back into to town this week! If you remember his visit from last time, you’ll know this isn’t something you’ll want to miss!
Belt Testing
And if you’ve been on the mat, make sure you come to Thursday’s class (May 26) at 6PM. Junior will be belt testing everyone, so if you think you’re ready to get a stripe or go up a color, come down and find out. You’ll be testing with a master though, so you better have your A+ game ready!
Plus Seminars
Also, Saturday, May 30th, Junior will be teaching a self defense seminar at 10:30 AM followed by a BJJ seminar from 1 to 3 PM. If you were at Junior’s last BJJ seminar, you know he taught us a lot of very […]

Original post by knuckleup

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It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as the keep coming in. Thanks for reading!

I started the Primal eating strategy back in 2005 and rapidly started to heal from myriad chronic illnesses, including PCOS and infertility. Recovering from those was a blessing which has fueled my devotion to Paleo nutrition ever since. Seven months ago, though, something happened which nearly hijacked all the benefits I had gained.
In October my sister tragically died. As if that wouldn’t have been reason enough to forget nutrition, even more tragedy befell.
Four days later I hopped on my mountain bike and headed to one of my favorite trails to be alone with […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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NOTE: If you don’t know how to do these exercises, check out my post on body weight training for newbies for tutorials.
Hey guys, I just wanted to give you all a fat burning workout you can do for the weekend. The idea behind it is that it combines muscle building exercises with a cardio workout to get the full on fat burning effect.
Here it is:
Warm up: Jog for 5 minutes.  Light stretching after jog as well.
1. Do 5(beginner) to 25(advanced) push ups depending on your level, or kneeling push-ups if you can’t do a push-up.
2. Do anywhere from a 15 second (beginner) to a 2 and a half minute (advanced) plank.
3. Do anywhere from 5(beginner) to 30(advanced) body weight squats.
Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat two more times for a total of 30 times and then stretch.
If you still have some energy, after this workout do 4 fifty meter sprints outside. […]

Original post by admin

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Excerpt from:

The Cheating Cheat Sheet – Roman Fitness Systems

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