While driving in my car today I heard that a “Junk Food Tax” was being proposed as a way new way to combat obesity.
For the record: I do not agree with the idea of a junk food tax being an effective way to reduce obesity.
I’m not sure how any government would think they deserve some sort of reward (money) just because it’s population is obese and eats junk food.
I also don’t believe that junk food deserves to be taxed.
(Lean people eat junk food. So do healthy people.)
In fact, I think the idea of taxing to fix obesity is ridiculous in general.  However, as a thought experiment I am willing to play along an offer an alternative.
So here’s my alternative:
For men tax any pants with a waist over 40 inches.
For women tax any pants with a waist over 36 inches unless sold as maternity wear.
Tax any clothes over XXL (If you […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Things got a little heated regarding the milligrams of evil soy lecithin used as in emulsifier in most dark chocolates in last week’s Dear Mark post, so before launching into today’s questions and answers, let’s go over that. Soy lecithin is simply the byproduct of soy oil extraction. It’s not hydrogenated soybean oil, folks allergic to soy can eat it without ill effect, and lecithin actually contains choline and phospholipids that can be quite beneficial. Don’t go out of your way to eat soy lecithin for any health benefits (egg yolks and liver are far better sources of choline), but don’t pass on some excellent dark chocolate simply because “soy” appears on the package.
Okay, onto the questions. We’re covering healthy fat alternatives, whether walking constitutes a wasted workout, and the magic of grapefruit.
Hello Mark!
I recently found out that I’m pregnant with my second child. I just started eating Primally about a […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Complete 4 cycles:
30 Meter Farmer’s Carry
8 Towel Pullups
20-second Door Pinches, each hand

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, 30 second Grok Hang.
Ever shake the knobby hand of an old farmer and marvel at how it inexplicably crushes yours with ease, despite muscular atrophy supposedly having set in twenty years prior to your meeting? Or what about the opposite – have you offered a firm handshake and received a limp, flaccid, moist thing in return? We all want the farmer’s grip, because it exudes confidence. Heck, you might say that hand strength is one indication of character. It may not be fair, and it may not always be accurate, but that’s how these things work.
So how do you develop your grip strength? You use your hands to carry, lift, support, and move heavy objects. Today, that’s what you’ll be doing.
Farmer’s carry you’ve done before. Just in case you haven’t, it involves carrying two […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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If we have two things in our refrigerator – homemade sausage and eggs – we know it’s going to be good day. With those two ingredients we can whip up a scramble, an omelet, sausage patties with fried eggs or if we have just a little bit more time, a baked egg and sausage dish that can be eaten at the table or on the go.
What we like about baked eggs is that they can be sliced into finger food, which is great for adults who are rushing to work, teenagers who are rushing to school and kids who think eating with their hands is much more fun than using a fork. You can bake eggs up as a frittata, or give them a little more time in the oven in a square pan for a thicker, sturdier shape. Make this recipe for Sausage & Egg Breakfast Bites at night […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another dose of Primal Blueprint inspiration. Many thanks to Hank for taking the time to share how he lost nearly 100 lbs in just 6 months, and turned his life around in the process.

If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as you send them in. Thanks for reading!

My name is Hank Garner and I am 39 years old. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Except for a brief time in my young adulthood, I have always been over weight.

My wife and I were married 16 years ago. Over the 16 years, we were blessed with five beautiful children. The problem is that every time my wife would […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Although CrossFit seems like an overnight success, its story began quite a few years ago. The first time I heard about CrossFit was back in 2006, about a year before I started this blog. At that time it simply looked like a small program to train SWAT teams and police units.


Original post by admin

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People are constantly asking what the most effective ab exercises are, which is why I decided to do a post on abdominal exercises for women and men.
Above I have a few pictures of four different exercises. One in the gym. One yoga exercise. One windsurfing, and one stretch. Do you know what is common among all of them?
If you said that they all of the exercises work the ab muscles, then you would be right.
That is the really crazy thing about the abdomen – you don’t need to work it specifically in order to get defined abs. Do stomach workouts speed up the process and make it go faster? Yes. But is it necessary? No. All workouts get your core going.
So if you have a low body percentage and workout routinely, chances are your stomach will be defined.
Okay, but you didn’t come here to get lectured about low […]

Original post by rafael@thefitnessadviser.com (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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This is a special guest post from expert study-dismantler Denise Minger. (Read Denise’s previous guest posts – Will Eating Whole Grains Help You Live Longer? and High Fat Diet Linked to Breast Cancer? – and her blog at Raw Food SOS.) Enter Denise…
Like salmon? Pop fish oil? Got a prostate? Then listen up. A new cancer study rolled in this week, and at first glance, it looks like bad news for any fish-loving men out there. A team of researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found a disturbing link between blood levels of DHA – that darling omega-3 fat abundant in seafood – and the risk of developing aggressive, “high-grade” prostate tumors.

The eyebrow-raising results of the study showed that:

Compared to folks with low DHA levels, men with the highest levels were 2.5 times more likely to wind up with aggressively growing prostate tumors.
Men with the highest blood levels […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Time to get a rock hard butt with this effective body rocking workout targeting your buns. Get firm, slim, sexy and in shape!Hellicopter Squat both sides. Plie SquatsPlie Squat to SidesJump SquatGlute Squeeze both legs than open flute squeezePelvis LiftTabata video coming soon! get ready!Quick Cardio WarmupTabata Workout AB AB40 Active, 20 Active Rest, 2xYoga Cool Down and StretchExcercise Mat OptionalThere are many different forms of workouts out there and each workout will give you a different result. Some increase muscle mass, some increase strength, others help you lose weight and so forth.Cardiovascular (cardio for short) exercises are a popular brand of exercise designed to improve endurance and stimulate fat loss.

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Quick Butt Workout + Butt and Abs Tabata Workout – Fat Blasting …

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What can you smell around you right now? Food? Coffee? Copier ink? Soil? Cleaners or chemicals? An office mate’s cologne from twenty feet away? It’s true we apprehend the world primarily through pictures and sound unlike, say, our canine friends. If we lose our sense of sight or hearing, we embark upon a physically, emotionally, and socially challenging journey of adaptation. If we lose our sense of smell, it’s strange and unfortunate, but life goes on pretty much the same as it always did. Nonetheless, smell still pervades our interaction with the world (and each other) in ways we don’t appreciate or even fully understand.

Think for a minute: what are the scents that inhabit your memory? Which smells somehow transport you to another time, place, and (perhaps) emotional state? Is it the smell of saw dust from your father’s workshop, of spices in your grandmother’s kitchen, of backyard “camp” fires […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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