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Hot Body Alert! – Venus Index Transformation Photos
Original post by Brad Pilon
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Hot Body Alert! – Venus Index Transformation Photos
Original post by Brad Pilon
I had just spent a long time rehabing my knee injury, and the doctor had finally gave me the green light for running and more intensive exercise. I was pretty excited about it because my cardio was horrendous from the layoff and I felt that I had less energy because of it.
A friend of mine who was out of shape and looking to improve asked to join me in my workouts. I was happy to have the company so I gladly told him to come. He could only do a few pushups could not do one pullup, but I knew that if he would keep coming that he would improve quickly.
And he did. After only a few workouts, he was able to do his first pullup. He was also doing a lot more pushups and I gave him some ideas that would help him with his diet. I was also […]
Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)
Workout Motivation
I had just spent a long time rehabing my knee injury, and the doctor had finally gave me the green light for running and more intensive exercise. I was pretty excited about it because my cardio was horrendous from the layoff and I felt that I had less energy because of it.
A friend of mine who was out of shape and looking to improve asked to join me in my workouts. I was happy to have the company so I gladly told him to come. He could only do a few pushups could not do one pullup, but I knew that if he would keep coming that he would improve quickly.
And he did. After only a few workouts, he was able to do his first pullup. He was also doing a lot more pushups and I gave him some ideas that would help him with his diet. I was […]
Original post by Rafi
We typically think of culinary herbs as useful flavorants. They round out flavor profiles, add complexity to otherwise basic dishes, meld with other herbs to form novel taste compounds that you can’t quite place and cannot be replicated with any other combination, and, used with a subtle, skilled hand, simply make food taste incredible. Oh, and like most seemingly inconsequential things people have been adding to food for thousands of years, they also happen to have some fascinating health benefits. Huh – how about that? Things that taste good and have a long and storied culinary history might also be good for you? Amazing how that works out!
Let’s get down to it.
Rosemary goes well with just about anything, in my experience, which is odd, because it’s one of the most pungent, powerful herbs in existence. Some herbs just kinda linger in the background, maybe adding a slight change to the […]
Original post by Mark Sisson
It’s another round of rapid-fire Q&A with reader questions this week. Ever wonder about olive oil in a spray can, or which meat to choose when dining out? Do you have joint issues, or questions about workout nutrition? These readers do.
Read on to learn my answers to these and other questions. And if you have your own pressing nutrition and fitness quandaries shoot me a line and I’ll try to answer them in a future “Dear Mark” post.
What do you know about Glutathione and what is your opinion of it?
I have a high opinion of glutathione (though I’m not sure what it thinks of me), which the body synthesizes from the amino acids L-cysteine, glycine, and L-glutamic acid. It’s a potent endogenous antioxidant – your body’s favorite, perhaps, if it were forced to choose – that neutralizes free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds, regulates the nitric oxide cycle (important for […]
Original post by Mark Sisson
4 40-yard Dashes
2 Max Pushups (or Bench Press), Two Minute Rest
10 Vertical Leaps
10 Broad Jumps
5 Cone Drill Runs
5 Shuttle Runs
Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, lateral, forward, and backward leg swings (10 each leg). A few light, medium effort (70%) sprints to loosen the joints. Five jumping butt kicks (jump up and kick your own butt with your heels).
Professional football requires its athletes to be powerful, fast, big, and strong. This leads to some brutal collisions, years of which might lead to health problems for participants later in life, but it also leads to some interesting tests for determining said power, speed, size, and strength. You likely aren’t heading to the NFL anytime soon, but you can still enjoy the workouts. This one is based on the NFL Combine, which is the test that all prospective rookies complete before the draft to give teams an idea of their strength, speed, and […]
Original post by Mark Sisson
There are many different forms of workouts out there and each workout will give you a different result. Some increase muscle mass, some increase strength, others help you lose weight and so forth.Cardiovascular (cardio for short) exercises are a popular brand of exercise designed to improve endurance and stimulate fat loss. Cardio exercises can be anything from long distance running, skipping, biking or even power walking. All of these usually fall under the category of moderate intensity training because they tend to last anywhere from a half hour to more than an hour going at the same pace.“Tabata” is the name of a particular type of workout program that provides similar health benefits to that of cardio workouts, but Tabata has a bit more spice. Instead of hours upon hours or exercise, Tabata can be completed in 4 minutes.
See original article:
Last Saturday was the Good Fight grappling tournament in Williamsburg, VA, and Morrison Butler, Gary Farrow and Steve Heinz went to compete. As expected, Team KnuckleUp performed great, and Gary and Morrison both brought home medals! When asked about their recent string of victories, Morrison says “The run we were on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards, all of them look like droopy-eyed, armless children.”
Gary competed in the No-Gi competition and went through several opponents, before finally coming in second. Morrison said Gary’s first opponent came of the mat muttering he “picked a fight with a warlock.” Congratulations, Gary!
Different How? Tiger Blood!
But the big victory Saturday came from Morrison himself. Morison came in first for both his division and the absolute! Not only did he beat everyone in his weight class and skill level, he also beat everyone else in the absolute! When asked how he achieved such a remarkable victory, […]
Original post by knuckleup
Taco night is a tradition in many families and one that doesn’t have to stop just because corn chips and flour tortillas aren’t on the table. Our favorite wrap for tacos is lettuce, whether the filling is grilled fish or flank steak. We’ve also been known to bake up a batch of kale chips and serve them along side avocado, salsa and taco meat. Often, we simply pile up taco toppings in a bowl with seasoned taco meat and eat it with a fork.
The trick to making a taco bowl really flavorful is in the seasoning, but store-bought taco seasoning packets often contain too much salt or unsavory ingredients. Making your own is easy and tastes almost identical to the seasoning packets you can buy in stores. We use it to flavor ground meat, but you can season steak or chicken with homemade taco seasoning, too.
But we know what a […]
Original post by Worker Bee
It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint success story. Many thanks to Ronald for sharing how he stepped through the threshold and lost 70 pounds in the process.
If you have your own success story you would like to share with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as you send them in. Thanks for reading!
I first took up dieting around the age of 14 when I attended a class for overweight kids that talked about nutrition, how to portion meals, what a mass of five pounds of fat looked like, etc. At that age I wasn’t really fat mind you, however I was starting down that slope. While I was motivated right after the class, old habits returned quickly and I continued to eat unhealthily. I come from a […]
Original post by Mark Sisson