The comments on my last post really made me stop and take pause. They made me realize that it’s really easy to lose your way in this business.
I have a little over 200o friends on facebook. A good number of these friends are fitness and nutrition professionals.
As a result when I log onto facebook (I do so daily) my news feed is full of the usual.
The usual being “This sucks, that sucks, carbs suck, fat sucks, this person doesn’t know what they are talking about, that person is an idiot…train heavy or you suck, if you’re fat your lazy blah blah blah”
This industry is becoming very negative, very quickly.
And I understand why ==> I’m just as guilty as anyone when it comes to dipping into the negative mood stuff
Yes, there area few exceptional marketers making exceptional money with…well… interesting takes on physiology and metabolism.
Yes the magazines and newspapers do us […]
Original post by Brad Pilon