The first interview I did back in 2008 also happens to be the most extensive. Though the basic Leangains protocol(s) hasn’t changed dramatically, Leigh Peele was kind enough to update and add the new information to the original interview.
Martin Berkhan and Intermittent Fasting: Interview
Speaking of Leigh Peele, I have reviewed her book on fat loss here: Fat Loss Troubleshoot Review. I think she has improved and added to the book bundle since then. Good primer on fat loss and the issues related to dieting in general.
That’s that. Though some might get the impression that I’m only drinking and partying, which as we all know by now is not as bad as some people believe, I’ve actually had my hands full. Now that things are settling down, I have several articles planned over the next few weeks. Here’s a preview of what I have in store for you:
1. A nutrition and […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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While you don’t need stuff to live a successful Primal lifestyle (well, besides bacon), we humans belong to a gadget-fetishizing brand of ape that has had great success over the years crafting and using various tools to make life easier. A couple weeks ago, I highlighted seven high-tech tools that were designed to improve Primal living; today, I’m focusing on the low-tech stuff. These tools aren’t quite as flashy, and they’re not quite as sexy, but they are just as useful. They are tools in the classic sense – physical objects that enable or enhance our ability to manipulate the environment to our advantage. So, while the high-tech tools offered helpful information and guidance about recipes, calorie counts, and toxin levels to improve our knowledge base, these low-tech tools offer direct, hands-on experience.
Enough blabbering. On to the tools!

(Make Your Own) Bulgarian Training Bag

A Bulgarian training bag is, basically, half an […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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We all had our favorite stories as kids – those books we begged our parents to read to us a million times over. As adults now, time might be tight, but delving into a really good book offers the same fulfillment and retreat. Our captivation with stories is, of course, as natural and inborn as our desire for music, our appreciation of art, our enjoyment of play. Little wonder, given they contributed so profoundly to social construction and cohesion for millennia. First, within a rich oral tradition, stories were passed down with great care and even ceremony to impart survival lessons and epic tales that circumscribed a tribe’s history and social mores. Narratives later became integral in spreading and binding together larger civilizations for the sake of formal religion and cultural identification. Stories, throughout human existence, have also been a conduit for the ageless, the universal, and the transcendental. Today, […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Ah, sleep. Nothing like a good dose of the stuff, right? Losing even a single wink of your usual forty (or an hour, as the case may be) is enough to throw off an entire day.
But do you know who might love sleep more than anyone or anything? Our livers.
Yes, livers. Those fleshy multivitamins with an apparent propensity for fat accumulation function best on a good night’s sleep. New research is revealing exactly why shift workers and other chronically sleep deprived members of mankind tend to have problems with obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, and all the other popular features of metabolic syndrome: their livers aren’t processing fat efficiently, instead allowing fat to accumulate.

Normally, teams of molecules are dispatched to the liver during the day to reduce (the totally normal) fat accumulation that occurred during the night. The teams primarily comprise two molecules, rev-erb and HDAC3, which work together […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Announcement: In case you haven’t heard, there is an all-new Primal Blueprint cookbook! If you grab a copy by 10am PST, Sunday, March 13 your pre-order will qualify for special bonuses. Learn about this limited-time offer here or just snag your copy now while the offer lasts.
As we mentioned earlier this week, offal is an acquired taste for many people, and if you haven’t acquired it yet there’s nothing wrong with using a little culinary magic to slip an organ or two by your taste buds unnoticed. The trick to sneaking offal into a dish is using it in moderation, adding bold flavors to mask any unpleasantness, and combining it with other mainstream meats. On Tuesday we listed several types of dishes that make this possible –  stew, chili, and meatza to name a few – and today we’d like to bring your attention to one more meal that lends […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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Intermittent Fasting 101 – How to Start Burning Fat SAME DAY cash advance Editor’s note: This was originally written in 2008 and has been updated over the years to give the best information for you to understand on how to get started with “Intermittent Fasting”. Enjoy!Starting Your Own “Intermittent Fasting” LifestyleThe biggest question I have gotten since starting this site (The “IF” Life) in 2008, is how to effectively use “Intermittent Fasting” (also known simply as “IF”, hence the name of the site) to achieve their goals and maximum results.It is also the main reason I started this website, to help spread all the information below.Results and goals can vary by each person with fat loss, muscle gain, better health, improved performance in your sport of choice and more. With all that also factors in the individuality of what is a person’s insulin resistance, current body composition (body-fat%), daily lifestyle, eating habits, macronutrient ratios (carbs/protein/fat), type of exercise program, frequency and volume of training, recovery demands, and so forth.What I am trying to hint at is that you are unlikely to find large groups of people with the exact same set of parameters and responses to an intermittent fasting protocol.What does this mean? Well just that you need to start with a basic intermittent fasting (or “feeding” as mentioned below) format, and then learn how to monitor results and adjust as you go.Even down the road things will change as you improve health, lower insulin resistance and maybe change performance and recovery needs. So nothing is really ever just one set way (as it shouldn’t have to be).Life is dynamic (always changing and evolving) and so should be the way you see your own journey for health and fitness.What is Intermittent Fasting (IF)?For those that may not be familiar to the term, intermittent fasting is just taking “intermittent” times of fasting (no food) and working them into your lifestyle.


Intermittent Fasting 101 – How to Start Burning Fat | The IF Life

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Announcement: In case you haven’t heard, there is an all-new Primal Blueprint cookbook! If you grab a copy by 10am PST, Sunday, March 13 your pre-order will qualify for special bonuses. Learn about this limited-time offer here or just snag your copy now while the offer lasts.
In 2007 Paul weighed 300 pounds. Today… well you’ll just have to read his story.
If you have your own Primal Blueprint success story and you’d like to share it with me and the MDA community please feel free to contact me here. Have a wonderful Friday, everyone, and thanks for reading!

I am a 26 year old software developer and I have been a mixture of paleo and Primal for approximately two years now. When I first decided to lose weight, I was sitting at around 295 – 300 pounds. As I went through college my entire life consisted of sitting […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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<p>The basis of Tabata Training is 4 minutes of intense interval training/circuit training. What you are doing is taking an exercise we'll use sprints as an example here.</p>
<p>Sprint as hard as you can for <strong>20 seconds</strong></p>
<p>Walk for <strong>10 seconds</strong></p>
<p>Repeat 7 more times for a total of <strong>8 sets</strong>.</p>
<p>So what you have is a total of <strong>4 minutes of workout time</strong>.</p>
<p>Tabata Training can be done with a number of different exercises the idea is to use an exercise that gets the whole body involved or at least the major muscle groups.Tabata Training can be done with Barbells, Dumbells, Kettlebells or just Bodyweight exercises. I'll give you some other exercises and routines to try in a minute but first let me give you some background and how Tabatas work.</p>
<p>Tabata Training was developed by Izumi Tabata (imagine that) at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. They did a study […]

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I’m very excited to announce that Primal Blueprint Quick & Easy Meals will begin shipping next week! Since releasing The Primal Blueprint back in 2009 countless readers have asked me a) “what exactly should I eat?” and b) “how can I do it with little to no time?”. Last year, professional chef Jennifer Meier and I put our heads together to answer the first question. The result was the original Primal Blueprint Cookbook. On the heels of its success we jumped straight into the task of answering the second question. And now, I’m proud to say, our mission is complete. In this new book you’ll find over 100 mouth-watering recipes with easy-to-follow instructions and 300 brilliant, full-color, glossy photographs to guide and inspire you to cooking Primal meals in 30 minutes or less.
To mark this occasion and to thank loyal Mark’s Daily Apple readers I’ve put together a special 72-hour […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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A couple years back I highlighted a Time Magazine photo essay called “What the World Eats.” It was a fascinating visual comparison of what – and how much – representative families across the globe consumed in a given week. (Several obliging MDA readers later shared photos of their own rations.) Revealing on yet another level, the Time feature included the cost of each international family’s provisions. Expenses varied radically as you can imagine with weekly expenditures ranging from $1.23 in Chad to more than $500 in Germany. The three American families, incidentally, reported spending $159 (California), $242 (Texas), and $342 (North Carolina) each. With the talk about rising food prices looming in the headlines again, I found myself thinking about Primal food costs. Is anyone seeing the jump yet? Are Primal folks more or less affected by these periodic fluctuations? Do we, as a Primal group, really spend more than […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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