It’s time for another round of Primal Blueprint real life stories. Many thanks to Michael and Chuck for sharing their experiences and pictures, and congratulations to both of them for taking control of their health.
If you have your own Primal Blueprint success story and you’d like to share it with me and the community please contact me here. Have a wonderful Friday, everyone, and thanks for reading!
Hi Mark,
My Primal journey began in the spring of this year when I found MDA and got my copy of the Primal Blueprint, and continues to this day. I had been following Movnat for over a year and I understood the concept of dieting, and exercising, in a way that mimics our hunter-gatherer ancestors, but had not found any tools to point me in the right direction towards a lifestyle that made such perfect sense to me. The Primal Blueprint gave me what […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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<p>The basis of Tabata Training is 4 minutes of intense interval training/circuit training. What you are doing is taking an exercise we'll use sprints as an example here.</p>
<p>Sprint as hard as you can for <strong>20 seconds</strong></p>
<p>Walk for <strong>10 seconds</strong></p>
<p>Repeat 7 more times for a total of <strong>8 sets</strong>.</p>
<p>So what you have is a total of <strong>4 minutes of workout time</strong>.</p>
<p>Tabata Training can be done with a number of different exercises the idea is to use an exercise that gets the whole body involved or at least the major muscle groups.Tabata Training can be done with Barbells, Dumbells, Kettlebells or just Bodyweight exercises. I'll give you some other exercises and routines to try in a minute but first let me give you some background and how Tabatas work.</p>
<p>Tabata Training was developed by Izumi Tabata (imagine that) at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. They did a study […]

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So apparently I’m nominated for “Role Model of The Year” in “Healthy Business Awards 2010″. I guess you could say it’s the Swedish fitness industry’s version of the Emmy’s.
Here’s what it says for nominations in my category:
“This award goes to the person that during the past year has made an effort or an achievement which has been positive for the business. In our evaluation we also take into consideration whether the nominee has contributed to increased mass media interest in the business.”
I’m not sure how highly they value the people’s vote, but I thought I’d ask you to put in a vote for me if you’ve benefited from the information I’ve provided on my site.
Then again you could always argue that I’m not much of a role model, as I like to drink and eat cheesecake…

If I win I promise to continue my work to improve the health and […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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Your alarm clock goes off for your early a.m. workout. The kids are in bed and you know you have a good two hours before the gym closes. It’s a nice afternoon outside – the perfect day for a walk or set of sprints over your lunch hour. What will you choose? Would it make a difference if you knew someone was waiting there for you? Of course! The truth is, some of us need a little extra motivation, and all of us could use added incentive once in a while. There’s a different level of accountability when you know your best friend will be disappointed (or chew you out later) if you bail on them. (Seriously, who wants to be that person?) Call it social encouragement, interpersonal obligation, or conflict avoidance, but it works. Health strategy of the day: the buddy system.

Research solidly backs up this two-is-better-than-one proposition. People […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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In case you’re still a little wary of humans messing around with food, I thought I’d show how some of your favorite fruits and vegetables are actually the products of selective, targeted breeding. What, you thought every non-explicitly hybridized fruit and vegetable can trace a pure lineage back to the Paleolithic? Ha! The stuff we enjoy, even the heirloom, dirt-and-mud-encrusted ugly, but delicious, stuff we get from the farmers’ market, is different from what Grok enjoyed. Plants reproduce far more often than, say, humans, so evolution happens faster. We’ve got a dog in the fight, too, and the means to influence its outcome (hybridization, breeding, selection), so changes happen even quicker.
This will either spur your acceptance of broccolini or turn you into a raging zero-carber who shuns all vegetation. Your choice.

Almond fruits are drupes, and delicious ones at that. Packed with magnesium, monounsaturated fat, and full-spectrum vitamin E, a handful […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Dear Mark,
I was wanting to know if there is any danger in eating hybrid foods. I recently tried broccolini and then discovered that it was a hybrid between broccoli and Chinese kale. Is this dangerous to eat? Is it similar to GM? I would greatly appreciate your input on this before I start eating more of it.
Thanks, Angelina
Thanks, Angelina, for the question. It’s a good one, because even when we don’t explicitly seek out the obvious hybrids (broccolini, pluots, apriums, etc.), we’re still exposed to them. In case you didn’t know, hybrid fruits and vegetables are created by cross-pollinating two closely related species of the same genus or two cultivars or varieties within the same species. Though we’re talking about the artificial, man-enabled variety in today’s question, this phenomenon happens quite frequently in nature. Random hybridization is essentially how new species of plants arise – stretched out over time. […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Time for another success story. This one is from Danielle Reutter who used the Leangains approach to get in amazing shape.
Actually, “amazing” is a huge understatement, as she won her class in the 2010 NPC Nationals (Figure) and earned an IFBB Pro Card.
This makes Danielle the first the first American “professional” Figure competitor which uses Leangains (as far as I know).

We need people like Danielle in the health and fitness community. People that aren’t afraid to go against the mainstream. Why? Their success motivates others to change. Bodybuilders and fitness competitors tend to be very locked in their thought processes when it comes to nutrition. They’re usually slaves to diet myths and these superstitions dictate how they approach contest dieting.
The problem is not that the “6-meals-a-day”-approach doesn’t work, because it does for some, but that it just isn’t right for everybody. And if people are afraid to […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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I’ve always been a bit leery about the overwhelming amount of attention paid to high-fructose corn syrup in the media and among the online health-conscious community. Sure, it’s bad stuff, maybe even especially bad when compared to other forms of sugar, but it is not enough to simply ditch the “corn sugar” and use “healthy cane sugar” (even if it’s evaporated!) instead. Sugar is the issue – fructose. Namely, excessive amounts of it (I’m not going to lambaste blueberries and raspberries) are what you need to avoid. Focusing on HFCS alone and not the general “fructose” is an incomplete and, frankly, counterproductive mode of opposition.

You knew that already, though. It’s just nice to see others – like a couple of renal (to the best of my knowledge, that word does not carry an ulterior meaning – unlike “anal”) MDs from the University of Colorado, for example – do the same. […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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These Primal Blueprint success stories seem to have become a regular feature on Mark’s Daily Apple in recent weeks. I love to hear from readers and I’m more than happy to publish these stories as long as they keep coming in. I know that every MDA reader out there has their own health story. If you’d like to take a moment and tell me yours shoot me an email here and I’ll respond ASAP. Thanks everyone and have a great Friday!
Dear Mark,
In March of 2010, I went to my sister’s wedding, and had a great time. When I got home, I saw the pictures and was horrified. Over the past five years, I had put on a lot of weight, and I was at the heaviest I had ever been. I wanted to do something about it, but I felt like I failed at every diet I tried.

I was feeling […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Original post by Brad Pilon

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