Contest: Primal is…

Unwieldy weight comes in all unwieldy shapes and all unwieldy sizes. Today’s heavy chunk of unwieldiness is call a Sandball. Part sandbag, part medicine ball, part kettlebell, good for heaving, swinging, and lugging around. It doesn’t have the wonderful scratch-your-hands-up quality of an actual rock, but you can always scrape your hands over concrete for a few minutes after using this sandball if you really need that “just got home from a long day of bashing my food’s skull in with a rough stone” feel. The winner of today’s contest will receive a blue logo BallBell sandball, courtesy of Alpha Strong.
What is Primal?
Primal is…

…naming your cat “Sparemeal.”
…never having to say you’re sorry. To a vegan.
…making a bacon sandwich using only one ingredient.
…referring to your toddler as “My little kettlebell.”
…when your eating habits cause a national egg shortage (yes, I’m looking at you, Australians).
…refusing to believe a steak smoothie is a […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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The J.J. Experiment: Week 2

Last week the J.J. Experiment began. J.J. Valdivia, a personal trainer in Miami, is guiding ten people as they take a 30-Day Leap into a healthy lifestyle. Let’s find out how they’re doing…
Hello MDA,
We are 11 days into the Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge and my Leapers and I are still as determined to succeed as we were on day 1. Last Friday, I was met by Thor Braathen and Sandra Mirabal for a one hour walk through downtown Miami.
We conversed the entire walk about Primal life and let me tell you, it sure does beat the chronic cardio I used to do 3-4 times a week. We returned from our walk feeling refreshed and energized, instead of “run down” and carb depleted. Gatorade? No, thanks!

On Monday, I met with the entire group and I passed out our “Grok On” t-shirts. We talked about our individual experiences with the first week of the challenge and it turns […]

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The Prize:
An entire year’s worth of my top-shelf multi-vitamin-antioxidant, the Primal Blueprint Damage Control Master Formula. And what the hey, I’ll also include a year’s worth of Vital Omegas.
The Contest:
Beyond the informative, MDA is also a place where people can go to find encouragement and inspiration on the road to better health. And nothing inspires better than example. If going Primal has improved your life, great or small, now’s your chance to share it with hundreds of thousands of people. Make and upload a video sharing your Primal success story. Maybe you’ve had a life changing success such as dramatic weight loss, a body transformation, or the reversing of type 2 diabetes. Or perhaps you’ve simply had a successful day like finally grilling a perfect steak, achieving your first pullup, or nudged your stubborn aunt to start taking what she eats seriously. Whatever your success story is, share it.  The […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Hey guys, big news! We’re going to have a seminar with a UFC fighter! Junior Assuncao (10-4) will be coming into town next week, and he will be doing some teaching.
Junior is from Northeastern Brazil originally, but now lives in the Atlanta area. He is a patriotic fighter: he has black belts in Jiu Jitsu AND capoeira, both native Brazilian martial arts. Unlike most MMA fighters who use May Thai or kickboxing as the base for their fighting style, Junior’s style is based in Capoeira. Capoeira requires a lot of agility, and looks like it would be more appropriate in a dance club than the fighting ring.
Seeing Capoeira in action is reason enough to come down for this seminar. Trust me.
He’s been coaching most of the past decade, so teaching a seminar for us is old hat. Plus, he’s the head instructor for Ascension MMA.
Aside from his mastery of BJJ […]

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For this next introduction – or re-hashing, for some of you – of an essential Primal concept, I’ll be covering the three basic Primal laws of fitness (click the image to zoom in). This one can be the most difficult hurdle for some. If you’re carrying a personal history of weight gain, for example, you’re most likely somewhat inactive, too. Being overweight, you see, leads to inactivity. And yeah, being inactive can perpetuate the weight gain, but it usually starts with a bit of added weight and the sluggishness that comes along for the ride. Good times, right? They end this month.

As often as I make the case that “diet is 80% of the battle for body composition”, and as often as we take apart Conventional Wisdom for its misguided views on diet, exercise, and weight loss, exercise does matter. Sure, if you could make just one change to your […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Contest: Grokpose for Bacon

The Prize:
Bacon. It’s meat candy. It’s the real part of a complete breakfast. What’s better than bacon? Six months of bacon. Bacon Freak is a bacon hub, they have bacon wallets and bacon soap, bacon shirts, and bacon gifts. And today they’re offering the contest winner a six month membership to their bacon of the month club. That’s $250 worth of Cajun bacon, jalapeno bacon, sun dried tomato bacon, vanilla bourbon bacon, and an assortment of other blue ribbon varieties. And for the true bacon lovers out there, get all your bacon news at Bacon Today, and form a bacon meet-up at
But Grok can’t live on bacon alone…

To go along with the theme of today’s contest, we’re also throwing in a spear. Cold Steel gave us three Assegai spears, and today we’re giving away the last one. I’ve received a few questions about these spears, so I’ll clarify: Yes, […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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TV does not want you to be awesome.
It warns you against being awesome every single day.
Losing weight, getting six pack abs, working out, getting a better job…all bad.
What’s worse…it warns our kids about the horrors of Awesomeness.
Don’t believe me? Let’s look at some case studies…
What happened when Bill from King of the Hill started working out? He got six pack abs. He also became a vain, self-obsessed Jerk. In the end everything became better once he went back to being a lazy, fat, divorced, spineless, jobless, but kind-hearted neighbor.
What happened when Peter from Family Guy started working out? He got six pack abs too. He also became a vain, arrogant jerk. His family hated him for it, but don’t worry, everything became better once he went back to being average.
What happened when Marge Simpson from the Simpson’s started working out? Six pack abs and..yep…Same thing.
What happened when ANY character on […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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I love carbs, which is why I could never be 100% Paleo. I do eat Paleo meals and even occasionally have low carb days, but I can't imagine a world without carbs. I enjoy gummy candy and red vines when watching movies and this is a habit that I don't want to break. Anyway over the past 20 years I have learned a few carb strategies that allow a person to eat tasty carbs without putting on a bunch of excess weight. This stuff isn't ground breaking or anything, but I know it doesn't hurt to be reminded of these effective strategies. I will create a list of tips and put the ones that have helped out the most towards the top. Of course, I would love to hear your thoughts as well in the comment section.
Read more on Carb Strategies That I Have Found to Work Well for Staying […]

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Remember the 80/20 Principle

We’ve officially rounded the corner into the second full week of the 30-day Primal Blueprint Challenge. Updates, anecdotes, anyone? How is everyone doing – and feeling? As the Challenge progresses, it’s inevitable that the surge of initial gusto moderates while something else – something ultimately more important, more influential – takes its place. With a week under your belt, you’re undoubtedly shaping the Blueprint to your life, using the principles but adapting the particulars to your own circumstances and tastes. That’s how it’s designed. In fact, it’s exactly how it works best! I thought now would be an apt time to add another layer of perspective to our efforts. It’s a bit of advice that nicely reflects this personal progression as well as the overall versatility of the Blueprint. I’m talking that bastion of PB pragmatism: the 80/20 Principle.

The central point of the 80/20 Principle is this: if you’re eating […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Contest: What’s Your 20?

The Prize:
It’s Sensible Vice time…
Chocolate. The Malibu farmers’ market sets up shop about a half block from my office every Sunday, and one of the regular, irresistible booths is Choco Vivo. Organic, fair trade, fermented less than 3 days – this is chocolate for people who like cacao, not chocolate for people who like candy bars. Winner receives an assortment of 100%, 85%, 75%, raw nibs, and the cherry, almond, peppercorn blend. For those outside the LaLa Land farmers’ market circuit, you can find ChocoVivo here.
Coconut Juice. Today’s second sensible vice comes with or without pulp (or with a hint of lime). In the pursuit of all things coconut, the winner will receive two mixed cases of coconut juice, courtesy of Amy & Brian Naturals. That’s over a gallon and a half of liquid. For all the athletes out there trying to bridge the gap between ideal Primal living and […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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