Just finished doing a photo shoot for the redesign of this blog, and couldn’t help but notice that (at least to me) the results of 16 weeks of Anabolic Again are easily noticeable!


Original post by Brad Pilon

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Wife's  Vibram FiveFingers
Image by choonMing via Flickr

I just finally got a pair of Vibram FiveFingers KSO Trek foot ware and man-o’ man are they comfortable.

I have done a couple boot camp fitness workouts here in Boise just to test them out and was pleasantly surprised at the way they preformed. I was concerned that they would make my feet to hot but they didn’t… as a matter of fact as my feet got hotter they seemed to get more comfortable.

Here are six reasons to wear Vibram FiveFingers straight for their website which you can click to here- Vibram Five Finger

6 Reasons to wear Vibram Five Fingers:

1. Strengthens Muscles in the Feet and Lower Legs – wearing FiveFingers will stimulate and strengthen muscles in the feet and lower legs, improving general foot health and reducing the risk of injury.

2. Improves Range of Motion in Ankles, Feet and Toes – no longer ‘cast’ in a shoe, the foot and toes move more naturally.

3. Stimulates Neural Function Important to Balance and Agility – when wearing Vibram FiveFingers, thousands of neurological receptors in the feet send valuable information to the brain, improving balance and agility.

4. Improves Proprioception and Body Awareness – those same neurological receptors heighten body awareness, sending messages about body mechanics, form, and movement.

5. Eliminates Heel Lift to Align the Spine and Improve Posture – By lowering the heel, our bodyweight becomes evenly distributed across the footbed, promoting proper posture and spine alignment.

6. Allows the Foot and Body to Move Naturally, Which Just FEELS GOOD.

As a fitness professional and personal trainer I highly recommend you get a pair… hey they you can wear them in fitness class here in Boise at Warrior Fit Body Solution Boot Camp’s…. Yeah!!!!

Live lean, Train hard and Love life,

Darrin Walton

Warrior Fit Body Solution

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Included among last week’s “Ask Me Anything” responses were several requests for a Primal commentary on acne. A lot of people have asked for this kind of post over the years. The fact is, it’s a great question. Acne is a common problem that gives too many people too much grief. Our medical establishment’s prescription for acne generally involves dehydrating the skin into oblivion, sandblasting it with chemicals, or pumping hormones, antibiotics and potentially toxic meds into the patient. (If any of these methods have worked for you, I mean no offense. I just think people deserve better options than these.) Is there a healthier, more Primal method to a clear complexion? In a nutshell, yes. I’m not talking rabbit-in-a-hat trick but a lifestyle approach with natural options that minimize the systemic and external conditions associated with acne. Let’s look at the full picture.

The Systemic Root
Acne doesn’t have a single […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Longevity – it means different things to different people, but to me, it means staying ‘good’ as long as possible.
I have no interest in immortality if it looks like this:

(No thank you).
For longevity to work for me, I want to be in my prime as long as possible.
I need to ‘work’
Run, move, play….oh and still look like I’m thirty for as long as possible.
To me, that’s longevity.
The problem with longevity is that it’s easy to jump the gun, on the lastest longevity trick or immortality cure.
Things that are shiny and new can easily trick you into thinking they have staying power.
I’ve fallen for this many times.
Take for instance, this post where I promoted the green pans… Back in September 2008, fresh out of their packaging the Green Pans worked beautifully.
Now, in June of 2010, I’m going to replace them as soon as I can.
No offense to the marketers of the […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Training Naked

OK, now that I have your attention, I’d like to discuss the idea of you doing your weight-training (Law #4 Lift Heavy Things) with as few “joint support gizmos” (wrist wraps, tape, lifting belts, etc.) as possible. Maybe you already do, but if not…
By now you know how I feel about shoes in general – and workout shoes in particular. Along with grains and statins, they make my list of the top ten mistakes in the history of human health. High-tech, “comfortable” and higher-heeled shoes are probably the cause of more bad backs, bad knees, pulled muscles, hamstring issues, torn cartilage, tendonitis and myriad other lower- and mid-body afflictions than any other single factor. The reason is this: the more we’ve unburdened the important (critical) small muscles of our feet with “forefoot motion control”, “heel stabilizers”, and “rear-foot shock absorbers” – in other words, the more we’ve put our feet […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Read original article: 

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Best Cardio to Burn Fat – Blog

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Original post:

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Best Cardio to Burn Fat

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This is a guest post from Matt Garland of Healthy Lifestyle Design.

Do you have what it takes to unleash your inner Grok?
Everyone does. It’s inherent in our biology. And yet many don’t, not because of physical obstacles but mental ones. Such barriers manifest as false and misguided perceptions of Primal living’s complexity, difficulty, and restriction. Alas, these devilish traps inhibit many would-be Groks from realizing their full potential.
So, how do you evade these ensnarements and unleash your inner Grok?
You stop worrying about “how” you’ll live Primal and start thinking about “why” you should.
The “why” is essential. If you don’t know why you should adopt Primal living then you never will. How come? Because the “why” gives meaning to what you do. And when you have meaning you have the strength and resolve to succeed.
This simple 1-2-3-4 forumula will guide you to “why” Primal living is right for you. Have fun […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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In this article I wrote about a study that showed an anabolic rebound effect during feeding after fasted weight training. The title of that article ended with a question mark, since it was a (very) short term study with results that were far from conclusive in regards to fasted training being superior to fed state training.
However, when it comes to endurance training, there’s compelling evidence showing that fasted state training is superior, or complementary, to fed state training.
Now, for those of you that has no interest whatsoever in endurance training, bear with me. At the end of this article I will discuss how fasted state weight training may provide additional benefits, not discussed before, based on some new findings.
Fasted endurance training
One idea that has been tossed around in the endurance training community is that training sessions should be performed in the least performance-enhancing situation to ensure the most potent […]

Original post by noreply@blogger.com (Martin Berkhan)

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Smart Spice: Turmeric

It may not share cinnamon’s universal applicability to consumables, but turmeric is another spice with some powerful culinary and medicinal qualities that deserves our attention. Turmeric, known officially as Curcuma longa and historically as Indian saffron, is a rhizome of the ginger family. Its horizontal root system is dug up, baked, and ground into a fine orange powder, which then goes into any number of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and Southeast Asian dishes. Pretty much every curry you come across anywhere, for example, includes a generous portion of turmeric. Common yellow mustard also includes turmeric, mostly as a food colorant.
Turmeric imparts a unique flavor: slightly bitter and a bit spicy, with a mustard-like scent. Upon tasting a dab of turmeric powder by itself for the first time, one is reminded of curries and other Asian stews. It’s a bit of an “Aha!” moment, in fact; you’re finally direct witness to […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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