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Man in pain holding back while sittingIn today’s world, we are constantly being exposed to electromagnetic fields, which tends to make people nervous. Who hasn’t heard concerns about EMFs and their potential health harms? We’re supposed to keep our cell phones away from our heads, turn the wifi off at night, avoid living under big power lines. 

So it would make sense if you were wary of PEMF therapy. In both cases, the “EMF” stands for electromagnetic field (the P standing for pulsed). But while just-EMF is supposed to be harmful (although the degree to which we need to worry is still up for debate), the pulsed kind is supposed to offer wide-ranging benefits. What gives?

Let’s back up. PEMF therapy claims to use low-frequency electromagnetic fields to help your own electrified cells function more optimally. With chronic illness on the rise, PEMF potentially offers a non-invasive therapy that can be used in place of or alongside conventional treatments to enhance their effectiveness

People have been using magnets for therapeutic purposes since ancient times, long before the principles of magnetism and electricity were fully understood. Modern PEMF technology has been around for decades and is well-studied, although much of the early research was conducted behind the Iron Curtain, so it perhaps feels newer than it actually is. But PEMF therapy isn’t new, nor does it fall under the realm of “alternative” therapies. It has been FDA-approved for healing nonunion fractures for over four decades. NASA has developed PEMF technology to be used in regenerating cartilage.1 There’s a decent chance that your allopathic doctor knows about it and may even have a PEMF device in their clinic.

Before trying it out for yourself, here’s what you need to know to get started. 

How Does PEMF Therapy Work?

First, you’ll need access to a PEMF device, which generally consists of a control unit attached to an accessory such as a paddle or mat. The accessory contains metal coils through which electricity is passed, generating an electromagnetic field. Simply place the paddle or pad over the treatment area, turn on the machine, and let it do its thing. Some machines come with pads the size of small throw blankets so you can treat your whole body at once. 

While you lie there, a pulsed electromagnetic field (hence the name) is passing through your body. That sounds like the stuff of Dr. Frankenstein’s laboratory, but it’s not painful. You shouldn’t feel anything other than a pulsing or tapping sensation and perhaps some muscle contractions. 

As the electromagnetic field passes through, it interacts with your body’s own electrical systems, if you will, to improve health. Exactly how it does that it still something of a mystery. The basic science is well-understood, boiling down to Faraday’s law of induction (for all the physicists in the crowd. The rest of us don’t need to get bogged down in the details, although I invite any of you physics-minded types to expound on electromagnetism in the comments.) But, if you keep drilling down to the fundamental how of it all, things start to get murky.

The general idea here is that when your cells aren’t functioning optimally or they can’t communicate with the cells around them, this forms the basis of many chronic illnesses. PEMFs seem to promote or restore healthy cellular functioning. 

By my reading of the literature, PEMF therapy is best characterized as an “enhancer.” Instead of injecting some therapeutic agent or prompting supranormal physiological responses, PEMF enhances your body’s ability to do what it would ideally do naturally: maintain homeostasis, heal from injury, fight off foreign invaders, and eradicate dysfunctional cells (including cancerous ones). It clears the way for optimal functioning, removing barriers where they exist and facilitating the body’s ability to build, repair, and heal itself

There are now thousands of studies demonstrating various mechanisms of action of PEMF therapy. These include but are not limited to 2

  • Enhancing cellular energy by promoting ATP synthesis. (ATP, you may recall, is the “energy currency” that fuels all cellular processes.)3
  • Acting on the cellular membrane. Restoring membrane potential and modifying the activity of receptors and ion channels, allowing for better passage of nutrients and oxygen into the cell and waste products out. Modifying the activity of proteins on the cell’s surface and impacting intracellular communication. 
  • Modulating gene expression.
  • Improving circulation, perhaps by increasing nitric oxide production, which acts as a vasodilator, and promoting angiogenesis, or the formation of new blood vessels.4 This also boosts nutrient and oxygen delivery and waste product clearance. (Notably, though, PEMF also seems to exert anti-angiogenic effects on tumor cells, cutting off their blood supply.5 It also seems to disrupt harmful angiogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis.6
  • Increasing cerebral blood flow.7
  • Reducing inflammation.8
  • Entraining brain rhythms and modulating neurotransmitter activity.9
  • Stimulating growth factors that aid in the generation of bone and tissue.10
  • Regenerating neuronal cells.11

What Is PEMF Therapy Used For?

Because PEMF therapy seems to promote healthy cellular physiology, and every tissue and organ in the body boils down to cells, PEMFs could theoretically be applied anywhere there is dysfunction or dysregulation. Indeed, if you pop “PEMF and [any medical problem]” into Google Scholar, you’ll probably get a hit.

This is not to say that PEMF therapy is the magic bullet we’ve all been waiting for, ready to eradicate all disease so we can achieve our centenarian aspirations. Any proponents who are being honest will tell you that it’s hard to predict if PEMF therapy will be successful for a given individual and, if so, how long it will take. Insofar as PEMF seems to boost the body’s innate healing and homeostatic processes, it can only do so much. Your body has to do the rest. 

Still, PEMF therapy shows promise across an impressively wide array of conditions thanks to the mechanisms of action listed above, plus many others. To give you a taste: 

Fractures, Bone Health

This was one of the earliest applications for PEMF and is still a popular non-surgical therapy for non-union fractures, which are bone fractures that refuse to heal. PEMF therapy stimulates osteoblasts (bone building cells) and suppresses osteoclasts (bone degrading cells). A recent 2020 meta-analysis confirms that PEMF helps fractures heal faster and more quickly.12

Similarly, PEMF therapy can help mitigate bone loss, improve bone mineral density, and reduce pain in people with osteoporosis.13 


Both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis may benefit from PEMF thanks to its anti-inflammatory action and how it it promotes collagen deposition in joints.14 There’s also evidence that PEMF stimulates special cells in the joints called mesenchymal stromal cells that play a vital role in healing and repair.15 


Pain management, especially chronic pain, is a vexing problem for medical providers or patients thanks to analgesic drugs’ long-term side effects, which are often significant. PEMF doesn’t just mask pain but targets the underlying inflammation and edema that cause pain after injury or surgery,16 as well as in chronic pain conditions like back pain17 and fibromyalgia.18 

Mental Health and Neurological Disorders

Electromagnetic therapies have long been used in treating brain issues like depression, but PEMF should not be confused with electroconvulsive therapy (a very intense therapy reserved for severe depression) or the more common transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The latter is conceptually similar to PEMF, with low-frequency electromagnetic stimulation applied to the brain, but it is more targeted and designed to induce neuronal firing. It also can only be used in a clinical setting. PEMF targets the entire brain and can be used at home. 

We have some evidence that PEMF can be a safe and effective treatment modality for depression,19 and there is much interest in its potential to help with other neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. 


PEMF therapy won’t cure cancer, but where it might shine is as an adjuvant treatment that increases the effectiveness of conventional treatments and decreases negative side effects. In in vitro studies, PEMF induces cancer cell apoptosis (cell death).20 


Untold numbers of people are going to be struggling with post-COVID symptoms such as persistent respiratory issues, weakness, and fatigue in the coming years. PEMF might help by reducing inflammation, improving microvasculature, reducing rouleaux formation in the blood (the clumping together of red blood cells), or other mechanisms. There are already some published case reports documenting benefits.21 22 and at least one registered clinical trial. This could be a game-changer.

Is PEMF Therapy Safe?

As I said, most concerns regarding PEMF safety are due to inappropriately conflating PEMFs with EMFs from electronic devices and power lines. PEMF therapy devices have been studied for decades and are being used every day in medical clinics and homes around the world without any reports of serious adverse effects.

More to the point, PEMF therapy devices are not the same as the EMFs people are worried about when they talk about “electro-smog.” Furthermore, even if you wanted to avoid electromagnetic fields, you couldn’t. The Earth itself emits a pulsed electromagnetic field. Solar radiation—the sunlight hitting your skin that is so essential for health that I made sun exposure one of the 10 Primal Blueprint laws—is electromagnetic. 

YOU are electromagnetic. The human body is basically electrified meat wrapped around a skeleton. EEGs measure electrical activity in the brain. You’ve heard about electrolytes and their critical role in everyday functioning. Well, the electro in electrolytes refers to the fact that electrolytes are ions that carry a positive or negative charge and facilitate electrical activity in the body. In short, don’t be put off by PEMF because of the “electromagnetic” part.

There are a few considerations to bear in mind, though. Occasionally, people do report mild discomfort when using the device, but this should dissipate over time. Some people may be hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields and so might be more prone to experiencing side effects like fatigue, brain fog, or dizziness. These folks may want to avoid PEMF therapy or at least proceed slowly.

You should consult a doctor before starting PEMF therapy if you have any implanted metal devices, are pregnant, or taking any prescription medications. There is a possibility that PEMFs could increase the drugs’ absorption rate, potentially leading to toxicity.  

Choosing a PEMF Device

Many companies now manufacture devices for home use. They range in price from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars and into five figures for the highest-end models. Which one to choose?

I’d say the best course of action, especially if you intend to use PEMF to address a specific health issue, is to talk to a practitioner familiar with using PEMF to treat your condition. PEMF applications differ in terms of the intensity, frequency, and waveform (shape of the wave), as well as the frequency of treatment, length of each treatment session, and total duration. You want to try to choose the most effective one. In truth, though, nobody knows with any certainty what exact PEMF protocol is best for a given individual or a particular disorder. Still, try to find someone to point you in the right direction, ideally someone who doesn’t have skin in the game. (If a salesperson tells you their device is definitely best for you, back away slowly. They’re selling you unfounded promises.). 

Understand that PEMF therapy can be an expensive and time-consuming proposition. In some studies, participants are using their devices for ten or more hours a day for months at a time. If you’re going to make that investment, it’s worth getting the best device you can afford. If you can, start by finding a doctor in your area who has a PEMF device that you can test drive for a while to see if you notice any benefit before purchasing one yourself.

Bottom Line

PEMF therapy is certainly intriguing. Sure, it’s not something our ancestors would have had access to. That is, unless you consider grounding. Grounding, or earthing, is the practice of walking barefoot to “plug in” to the Earth’s electrical field. Although some of the claims associated with earthing seem a little far-fetched, it’s pretty easy to see the potential overlap between low-frequency PEMF and grounding. Is there something there? Maybe. 

In any case, the idea of using a non-invasive, seemingly low-risk devise to improve cellular communication and energy is appealing. 

To be clear, although I highlighted the positive effects of PEMF therapy here, plenty of studies also show no benefit (but also no harm). This may be because the researchers in the null studies simply used ineffective protocols. There’s no way to know without more data.

Finally, the current research understandably focuses on specific medical issues more than general health and longevity, but I’m sure a lot of you are more interested in how PEMFs could be used to keep the system fully charged, so to speak. Proponents of the technology will say that PEMFs can be used to maintain health and promote optimal well-being. And I can see why that might be the case. Unfortunately, that kind of thing is hard to test (and will never get research money thrown at it).

What do you think? Does this technology pique your interest? Have you used it before, and if so, what were your results? 


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I am always leery when I use public toilets. What is lurking on the seat, under the seat, and in the bowl? All those people in and out tracking bacteria all over the place make me cringe. This is even more so now with everything that is going on in the world. Read on to […]

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Ask 1,000 random lifters if they desire more muscular arms and very few (honest) souls will tell you “no.” The biceps are among the most visible body parts, and an impressive set of guns will usually make heads spin.

But there are other benefits to biceps training beyond adding slabs of meat under your sleeves — improved strength, shoulder stability, and joint health. (1) Heck, you could even use it to shed some fat.

A person looking at their arms.
Credit: Ruslan Shugushev / Shutterstock

People usually envision biceps training either as an afterthought after training a larger body part like their back or check, or they approach it as part of a pure arms-only gym session consisting primarily of single-joint (isolation) exercises.

But if you’re smart and creative, or if you’re in a situation with next to no equipment, you can bypass the weights and provide your body with a refreshing and effective workout yielding loads of benefits. Whether you don’t go to a gym, are traveling abroad, or want to spice things up, try one of these weight-free workouts to get your biceps training to the next level.

Best Biceps Workouts

Best Bodyweight-Only Biceps Workout

Training without weights is getting back to the roots of training — being able to master your own body. If you’re tired of lifting iron and want to get back in touch with your primal self, try this routine. It would be a shame to reduce yourself to exclusively single-joint (isolation) exercises, because the biceps are involved in a lot of movements other than simple arm flexion.

A person doing a pull up.
Credit: Blanscape / Shutterstock

This workout uses a combination of multi-joint exercises tweaked to focus more on the biceps, as well as isolation movements. This will cover all of this muscle’s functions while providing the best stimulus for strength, muscle growth, and fat loss for your body. Indeed, multi-joint exercises are generally better for strength adaptations and calories spent, while single-joint work is great to improve the mind-muscle connection or to bring up a specific weak point.

The No-Weight Workout

Perform this workout once per week for optimal results, after a warm-up. Since you can’t increase the weight to progress, you’ll have to use other methods. When you can comfortably perform the desired numbers of repetitions per set, increase it to the upper bracket of the upper range. For instance, if an exercise calls for 12 to 15 reps, once you can do all your sets of 12, try to bump them up to 15. Then, you can try to add another set. Finally, you can also reduce rest periods progressively.

Commando Chin-Up

Position yourself under a pull-up bar and grab it with your thumbs facing you and you hands touching each other. Hang dead from the bar and brace your core to stabilize yourself. Pull your shoulder blades down to initiate the movement and bend your elbows to elevate yourself towards the barbell, and aim your head toward the left side of the bar.

Aim to touch the bar with your right shoulder. Lower yourself down with control back to the starting position and repeat, this time with your head toward the right side of the bar and aiming to touch it with your left shoulder. Repeat for the desired amount of reps. The next set, switch hands so that the one that was the closest to you on the pull-up bar is now the farthest.

  • Sets and Reps: 4 x 4-8
  • Rest time: Three minutes between sets.

Headbanger Chin-Up

Position yourself under a pull-up bar and grab it using a nearly shoulder-width supinated grip (palms facing towards you). Brace your core, pack your shoulder blades together and down, and pull yourself up until your arms are approximately at a 90-degree angle.

Hold that position and start moving your body towards and away from the bar by extending and flexing the arms. No other body part should move and it should look like you were trying to headbutt the bar — don’t do it, though. Repeat this movement for the target amount of time. Because this can be a challenging exercise, begin with a shorter range of motion (extending your arms only partially) and gradually work toward full extension.

  • Sets and Reps: 3 x 30-60 seconds
  • Rest time: Two minutes between sets.

Towel Curl

Grab a sturdy towel with both hands and twist it until it forms a noodle or spiral. Sit on a chair or a bench, with your back flat and your chest high. Place the center of the towel under one foot and hold an end in each hand.

Pin your elbows to your side and start flexing your arms towards your face against resistance applied by your foot. When you’re at the top and your hands are near your shoulders, reverse the motion and slowly extend your arms, still providing tension through your foot.

  • Sets and Reps: 3 x 10-15
  • Rest time: 90 seconds between sets.

Lateral Plank Walk

Get in a plank position with hands on the floor, both arms extended, and your legs straight. Brace your core, pack your shoulders, and keep your body in a straight line. Take one step to the side with your right arm and right foot. Follow in the same direction with your left hand and foot.

Repeat for a few steps in the same direction, then reverse to the move in the opposite direction. Continue for the desired duration.

  • Sets and Reps: 3 x 60 seconds
  • Rest time: 60 seconds between sets.

Inverted Row

Position yourself under a doorway pull-up bar set low, a dip bar, under a table, or a sturdy broom positioned between a pair of chairs. Grab the bar using a shoulder-width, pronated grip (palms facing away from you). Brace your core and flex your legs so your body forms a straight line.

Bend your elbows and pull your chest towards the bar, aiming to touch it the bar with your chest. Lower yourself with control until your arms are extended and repeat for as many reps as you can. Try to beat your score each session.

  • Sets and Reps: 2 x maximum reps until muscular failure.
  • Rest time: Two minutes.

Best Resistance Band Biceps Workout

Bands are a very interesting lifting tool because they provide accommodating resistance — tension and force increases as the band is stretched farther. This type of resistance allows for a unique feeling and more training possibilities. It’s also an effective way to complement bodyweight training because bands allow for a wider exercise election and better focus on some muscles. Band training is also invaluable for joint and tendon health. (2)

With such a strong case in favor of resistance band training, it’s time to try this biceps workout to gain some strength, build muscle, and help to shed fat.

One-Band Biceps Workout

Perform this workout once per week for optimal results, after a warm-up. To progress, you can use a heavier band, or a combination of several smaller bands to provide enough resistance. You can also play with volume. For instance, if an exercise calls for 12 to 15 reps, when you can do all your sets of 12, try to bump it up to 15. Then, you can try to add another set. Finally, you can also reduce rest periods each week.

Band-Assisted Chin-Up

Loop a band around a pull-up bar. Hang from the bar using a supinated grip (palms facing you) with your hands close to shoulder-width. Place your feet on the band, keeping your legs straight. Brace your core, puff your chest, pull your shoulder blades down, and pull yourself towards the bar by bending your elbows until you touch the bar with your chest.

Lower yourself with control until your arms are straight. Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions. The band will make the exercise easier at the start of the movement, allowing you to perform more repetitions and slightly favor your arms in the movement.

  • Sets and Reps: 3 x 8-12
  • Rest time: Two minutes.

Single-Arm Band Hammer Curl

Stand tall and place one end of the band under your foot. Grab the other end with your working hand. Keep your elbows at your sides. Bend your elbow and flex your arm toward your face. Only your forearm should move, not your shoulder.

Contract for a second at the top, then lower with control to the starting position. Perform all repetitions on one side before switching hands. To increase the resistance, hold both ends of the band in one hand.

  • Sets and Reps: 3 x 12-15
  • Rest time: 60 seconds between sets.

Band Concentration Curl

Attach a band to a sturdy object around ground-level. Sit on a chair near the band and grab the band with your closest arm, placing your elbow on the inside of your thigh, just above your knee. Widen your stance to make room for your arm. Bend your elbow and flex your arm toward your face, squeezing for a second at the top.

Slowly extend your arm afterwards until it is straight again. Repeat for the desired amount of reps before switching arms. Make sure that no body part other than your forearms are moving during the exercise — don’t squeeze with your knee to assist your arm. To increase the difficulty, sit farther from the band’s attachment.

  • Sets and Reps: 3 x 10-12
  • Rest time: 60 seconds between sets.

Band Reverse Curl

Step in the center of a band and grab the ends with both hands using a pronated (palms facing down), shoulder-width grip. Stand tall, brace your core, and pack your shoulder blades down. Bend your elbows by flexing your biceps to pull the band toward your face. Only move your forearms, don’t allow your elbows to move forward. Keep your palms facing down during the exercise.

Lower your hands with control until your arms are straight, and repeat for the desired amount of repetitions. For a more intense exercise and a serious burn, you can immediately add several partial range repetitions, coming up only halfway to fully finish off your arms.

  • Sets and Reps: 3 x 15-20
  • Rest time: 90 seconds between sets.

The Biceps Muscles

The biceps are probably the most known and most frequently flexed muscles. Developed biceps are mostly coveted for an aesthetic purpose, but they also cover an array of functions for health and performance.

Biceps Brachii

The biceps brachii is the biggest arm flexor, the ball of meat on your upper arm. Composed of two heads — hence its prefix, “bi” — the biceps is attached from the ulna (forearm bone) to the scapula (shoulder blade) going through the shoulder complex.

A person looking at their biceps brachii.
Credit: Jasminko Ibrakovic / Shutterstock

It is mostly known as an arm flexor and supinator (rotating the palm towards your face), but also contributes to raising your arms and stabilizing your shoulder and humerus (upper arm bone). Having healthy and strong biceps is a prerequisite for having upper-body strength and health.


This muscle is a part of the upper arm complex, and is located directly under the biceps. It goes from the elbow to the upper humerus, and is only involved in elbow flexion (bending the arm). It’s actually the strongest arm flexor, not the biceps.

A person looking at their biceps.
Credit: ArtFamily / Shutterstock

Developing this muscle will also help if you’re only interested in looks. Making it bigger can actually increase the “peak” of your biceps, by pushing it higher. When you’re lean enough, you can also see it for a truly impressive set of guns. To emphasize this muscle, assume a neutral (hammer) grip during curls.


The biceps’ other friend, the brachioradialis, is also attached from the ulna to the humerus. It’s the biggest and strongest forearm muscle. It works synergistically with the biceps and the brachialis, assisting in forearm flexion, supination, and pronation (rotating the palms away from you).

A person's a forearm.
Credit: Ruslan Shugushev / Shutterstock

Having big and strong forearms is useful for many exercises, but can also serve as a visual illusion to compensate for shorter biceps by making them look bigger. You emphasize this muscle with a pronated (palm down) grip.

Biceps Warm-up

Warming up before a workout can improve your performance while minimizing connective tissue strain and risk of injuries. (3) It’s especially true before doing biceps, as the elbow is a notoriously sensitive joint, and some biceps exercises involve the shoulder complex — the most unstable joint in the entire body. 

A good biceps warm-up should at least mobilize your biceps and triceps, but if the exercises require other body parts, make sure to include them as well. Here’s a complete resistance band warm-up to prime your body before a biceps workout.

Biceps Band Warm-up

  • Band Over-and-Back: Grab a band with both hands, using a very wide and pronated (palms down) grip. Stand tall, then hinge at the hips to slightly bend forward while keeping your back flat, and hold this position. While keeping your arms straight, raise the band over your head, then back down to your lower back. Return to the starting position by rotating your arms, still keeping them straight and under tension. Perform 15 reps before moving to the next exercise.
  • Band Pull-Apart: Stand with a resistance band in your hands, palm downs. Raise your arms to shoulder level, in front of your chest. Pull the band with your hands, bringing them to your sides until it touches your chest. Keep your arms straight the whole time. Return to the starting position. Perform 15 reps before moving to the next exercise.
  • Band Row: Anchor the band to a sturdy item, just under chest-height. Stand tall with your chest high and grab it using a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Pull with your elbows and squeeze your back as hard as you can until your hands are at your sides. Revert the motion with control. Perform 15 reps before moving to the next exercise. 
  • Band Curl: Step into the band, hold it with your palms upwards, arms extended. While keeping your body braced, curl the band toward your face and squeeze your biceps. Extend your arms with control and perform 15 reps before moving to the next exercise.
  • Band Pressdown: Attach the band high, at least to eye-level. Hold the ends with a pronated grip. Slightly bend forward at your waist and glue your elbows to your ribs. Completely extend your arms down, only moving your forearms, and squeeze your triceps. Bring your hands back to your chest for a total of 15 repetitions, and perform the entire circuit one more time for a thorough warm-up.

Arm Yourself With Bigger Guns

No weights? No problems. You don’t need them to fill your sleeves. Performing these no-weight biceps workouts can increase your arm size, as well as your strength, and contribute to shedding some fat in the process. This body part might be eye-catching, but there’s more to biceps training than meets the eyes.


  1. Rodosky MW, Harner CD, Fu FH. The role of the long head of the biceps muscle and superior glenoid labrum in anterior stability of the shoulder. Am J Sports Med. 1994 Jan-Feb;22(1):121-30. doi: 10.1177/036354659402200119. PMID: 8129095.
  2. Kim GJ, Oh H, Lee S, Lee K, Kim K. Effects of resistance exercise using the elastic band on the pain and function of patients with degenerative knee arthritis. J Phys Ther Sci. 2020 Jan;32(1):52-54. doi: 10.1589/jpts.32.52. Epub 2020 Jan 22. PMID: 32082029; PMCID: PMC7008024.
  3. Fradkin AJ, Zazryn TR, Smoliga JM. Effects of warming-up on physical performance: a systematic review with meta-analysis. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jan;24(1):140-8. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181c643a0. PMID: 19996770.

Featured Image: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock

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Nick “The Mutant” Walker wasn’t always a hulking phenom — one of modern bodybuilding’s top competitors. Then he won the 2021 Arnold Classic (AC) during his International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) Pro League rookie year, and he’s seemingly only become more high profile by the day ever since. A fifth-place result at the 2021 Mr. Olympia was a fitting cherry on top for an athlete who seemed like the next big thing in the sport. Now, after a podium performance at the 2022 Mr. Olympia, Walker will be wasting no time getting back on the mass warpath. He’ll return to some of his roots to do it.

On Jan. 12, 2023, the Arnold Sports Festival revealed that Walker would compete at the 2023 edition of the Arnold Classic. The contest is currently scheduled for Mar. 2-5, 2023, in Columbus, OH, where, unsurprisingly, several other established superstars already plan to gather. A stacked field likely won’t intimidate Walker, who seems to be on a determined mission to make it two vaunted AC titles in three years.

Walker’s AC return announcement came shortly after the Arnold Sports Festival announced that this year’s first-place prize money would be upped to $300,000 for the Men’s Open winner. That compensation is almost three times Walker’s victory winnings of $130,000 in 2021, partly signifying the tremendous rapid growth of the competition and its significance.

In a quick post on his Instagram, Walker tersely but efficiently elaborated on the news of his return to the AC. He shared a picture from his winning performance at the 2021 iteration with a caption of “run it back,” with obvious intentions of overcoming his elite peers on the Columbus, OH, stage again.

Walker will face no shortage of worthy challengers to etch his name as the Arnold Classic winner for the second time in three years.

For example, two-time winner William Bonac will seek his third career AC crown (2018, 2022), a feat only four other bodybuilders have accomplished in the contest’s 33-year history. At the same time, a newer ascending star like Samson Dauda will also be vying for the momentous championship. Other notable confirmed names so far include Kamal Elgargni and Akim Williams.

Notably, a group of relative newcomers in Derek LunsfordBlessing Awodibu, and Michal “Križo” Križánek announced plans to skip the tentpole contest. Each of the three athletes made a distinction that they’d prefer to get some rest before focusing most of their efforts on an improved performance at the 2023 Olympia in November. Lunsford, in particular, as the 2022 runner-up in his Men’s Open debut, might have the most realistic chance of reaching those lofty goals.

At the time of this article’s publication, it is unclear if another two-time AC victor (2019, 2022) and the reigning champion, Brandon Curry, will come back to defend his title.

The 2023 Arnold Classic is already shaping up to be a battlefield if announcements like Walker’s expected appearance mean anything. With the new year up and rolling, March’s competition will likely be a memorable addition to bodybuilding lore.

Featured image: @nick_walker39 on Instagram

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Entering the 2022 Mr. Olympia, most expected Chris Bumstead to continue his largely unimpeded reign atop the Classic Physique division. Now a reigning four-time champion, Bumstead is one of the most prominent, influential names in bodybuilding, even drawing direct acclaim from the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger. As it turns out, Bumstead had another roadblock to overcome as he completed his remarkable four-peat.

On Jan. 12, 2023, Bumstead posted a video on his Instagram revealing he tore his right biceps muscle roughly three days before the beginning of the 2022 Olympia contest. Despite such a potentially massive setback, Bumstead persevered to victory, but it wasn’t exactly how he had planned.

Per Bumstead’s testimonial, he didn’t even notice anything was wrong with his arm until the morning of Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022, three days before he was expected to step on stage. The superstar athlete said he felt “a little bit of pain” before his own personal weigh-ins but wasn’t initially sure what the issue was. The ensuing day, the Thursday before the start of the 2022 Olympia, Bumstead’s pain apparently grew, especially while posing. By Friday evening, the pain in his arm was so intense Bumstead avoided posing as much as he could. After all, his callouts and the Classic Physique Finals were scheduled on that Saturday, and he had to conserve energy where possible.

For this young titan, it became both a physical and mental journey through adversity. Given the high expectations and pressure he placed on himself, this biceps injury at the near-last moment was understandably not a welcome obstacle.

” … So we went on stage for prejudging and I still felt really good and I still felt confident,” Bumstead said. “My physique was great but I kept just thinking that here is this great physique I’ve built, probably the greatest package I ever brought to the stage, but my arm. Everybody is going to be seeing me and go like, ‘Why does his arm not look right?’ I just couldn’t get that out of my head. It was something that was pulling me out of the moment.”

Despite his insecurity over an injury that ultimately didn’t preclude him from another Classic Physique Olympia title, Bumstead did his best to keep his eye on the prize. He had to take a step back and ensure his mind was in the right place before doing the seemingly impossible — winning a fitness posing competition with one body part that might not have looked or performed “right.”

The way the best of champions do.

“I had one of my ‘C-Bum’ moments in the bathroom, crying,” Bumstead revealed on the day of the Classic Physique Olympia. “I got on my knees in front of this mirror and I looked at myself. I was just like, ‘What’s going on, man? … All this work you’ve put in, all the effort you’ve put into this, all the love you have for this, the years and many times you’ve done this. And you’re stressing about it now? … All the fans and friends who’ve supported you, who are excited to be here. You should be excited for that. Not even ‘you should,’ but that you get the opportunity to be here and enjoy this. … This is a privilege and a blessing to be here. I’m going to choose to enjoy this.’”

From there, Bumstead’s promise to himself to enjoy the moment of standing under the Las Vegas, NV, stage spotlight paid off. By keeping a positive, competitive mindset, he clarified he could compartmentalize a torn muscle that might have otherwise dragged him down. Per Bumstead, if one looks closely at him after stepping off the stage during the Classic Physique Finals, the emotion of enduring the pain and stress from his injured biceps was evident, too, even if he tried his best to hide it.

“We went out there, had fun, crushed it, and it was just a proud moment of myself,” Bumstead said. “It’s also why you see that clip of me getting off stage and just bawling my eyes out. Because it was all the pressure, expectation, stress, getting on stage, being on my mind all day, battling it. All of the ups and downs all day, then I was able to pull it together, be there and enjoy it, and bring home the win.”

These days, roughly a month after the latest bright moment of his illustrious, growing career, Bumstead explained that his biceps tear wasn’t actually too severe. In fact, it doesn’t seem it’ll interrupt much of his training plans as he works toward a fifth consecutive championship in 2023.

He just has to be patient and take his time first.

“An update on my bicep now, it’s only mildly torn, it’s not off the insertion or the origin. It’s just in the muscle belly, so it’s really not that bad,” Bumstead said. “They [medical professionals] said six to eight weeks to recover. I’m stubborn, so I’m going to say five to six weeks on that one. But I haven’t trained back or biceps. I really haven’t trained at all in four weeks. I’m just letting it heal, letting it recover, keeping down inflammation.”

Featured image: @cbum on Instagram

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It’s not precisely on par with the Olympia contest, but the annual Arnold Classic (AC) arguably holds as much prestige and influence, being considered one of the major contests on the bodybuilding calendar. When some of the world’s best bodybuilders travel to Columbus, OH, to take the stage on Mar. 3-4, 2023 for the latest edition, they can take solace in knowing one thing. A victory will be rewarded more handsomely than ever.

On Jan. 12, 2023, the Arnold Sports Festival organizing body put out a press release on their website and posted to Instagram announcing the prize for winning the Men’s Open division at the 2023 AC will be $300,000. That is a $100,000 increase from the $200,000 reigning AC winner Brandon Curry took home in 2022. It builds on a significant increase from previous years when former champion Nick Walker won $130,000 after the 2021 iteration, and inches closer to the $400,000 top prize earned by Hadi Choopan after winning the 2022 Mr. Olympia.

In the press release, Arnold Schwarzenegger elaborated on the significance of the growth of the Arnold Classic.

“From the first time we hosted a bodybuilding championship in Columbus in 1976, my goal has been increasing the prize money to reward these fantastic athletes,” Schwarzenegger said. “I am excited to announce that this year’s winner of the Arnold Classic will win a record $300,000.”

As for who will travel to Ohio to vie for the newest AC title, a few past champions, big names, and up-and-comers highlight the Men’s Open. On Jan. 12, 2023, the organization revealed that Nick Walker would return to the 2023 AC and the contest that arguably first helped him build his sterling reputation in professional bodybuilding. Past winner (2018, 2020) William Bonac will also return to the Columbus stage. Meanwhile, two-time 212 Olympia winner Shaun Clarida (2020, 2022) will try to challenge both men. Other confirmed Men’s Open competitors include Samson Dauda, Kamal Elgargni, Justin Rodriguez, and Akim Williams.

Notably, a recent cadre of elite bodybuilders revealed they had either withdrawn or declined their invitations to the 2023 Arnold Classic. At the time of this writing, that group features the second-place finisher at the 2022 Mr. Olympia in Derek Lunsford, Blessing Awodibu, and Michal “Križo” Križánek.

As the 2023 competitive bodybuilding season develops, the 2023 Arnold Classic will undoubtedly be one of the first significant steps toward making it a year to remember. Eventually, one focused athlete with incredible mass and a ripped physique will have the great fortune of leaving Columbus, OH, $300,000 richer for their diligent efforts.

Featured Image: @nick_walker39 / Instagram

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Among current elite strongman competitors, Mitchell Hooper might be the next big thing. After storming onto the scene in 2022 — notching a podium finish in six of seven contests and winning two of his last three, including the 2022 Arnold Strongman Classic UK — many understandably expect even more from Hooper in 2023. However, before he tries to build on a terrific debut year that saw him captivate the sport, the Canadian athlete is first dispensing some worthwhile training tips.

On Jan. 11, 2023, Hooper posted a video to his YouTube channel where he gave a group of athletes a walkthrough on how to lift Atlas stones properly. The session isn’t necessarily new for Hooper, who occasionally shares similar technique training videos in between moments of refining his own strength.

Hooper wastes no time diving into his de facto lecture on Atlas stones.

Set Your Stance Mid-Stone

He first diagrams how one starts from a quality lifting stance, noting that the balls of an athlete’s feet should be even with the center of the stone when setting up. Another critical factor is ensuring that the feet have wide enough positioning.

“You want to be in a spot where you can see your feet [on either side of the stone]. See your feet on the sides of the stone.”

If a person’s feet are too close to the Atlas stone, Hooper maintains that it could negatively change the hands’ positioning as they grip the stone. In addition, with the stone in hand, the knees might rub up against an athlete’s elbows, making for a non-ideal setup while lifting.

Cup the Stone with Hands and Forearms

In regards to specific notes about an athlete’s hands while trying to lift an Atlas Stone, Hooper clarifies that the hands should never be directly under because that will force the relatively weaker biceps muscles to support the load.

“The name of the game is creating friction by creating as much surface contact as possible. You want your hand and as much of your forearm to be on the stone as possible.”

Instead, the aim should be about having as much of one’s arms touching the stone as possible, almost “cupping” the large trademark strongman implement by placing your hands slightly forward of the weight’s center.

“Straight arm, hands forward, arms locked in. That way, we’re using our chest and our lat to squeeze the stone. We’re not using our biceps to pick up the stone.”

Deadlift High and Lap the Stone

Hooper maintains that once an athlete is in a proper position, their goal should be to lift the stone to their lap by putting it as far above their knees as possible. Then, once ready, the hips can sink back, and the stone can naturally be rolled into the lap.

“What you should aim to do is deadlift the stone as high as possible. You don’t want to just get to your knee and immediately sit it in.” Hooper said. ” … Think about how muscles oppose force and where that force is going.”

A common technique principle for strongmen and strongwomen, lapping the stone helps the athlete seamlessly re-grip for improved leverage before standing.

“The first goal is to get the stone from the ground to your lap … Once the stone passes your knee, you can sit and roll. You replace your hands, and you can bring it up [to a standing position].”

Get Hips Under the Stone to Stand Up

Per Hooper, once someone is prepared to change their grip for the hip movement, the stone should “sit on the sternum” with the body as tight as possible to the stone. The stone should then move straight up as the athlete stands up.

Hooper clarifies that some make the mistake of actually trying to lift the stone higher when it’s against their sternum. To combat this overcorrection, the strongman advises making a stringent effort to keep the stone tight to the chest and simply extending the hips underneath for improved leverage and full extension.

“When it comes to extending [into a standing position], you should not think about bringing the stone up … Your thought should be to shoot your hips under the stone, and then it will roll up.”

Special Technique for High Platforms

If a strongman or strongwoman competitor has the task of lifting the stone onto a taller podium, Hooper said they should strive to ensure their hands aren’t directly around the center of the stone when repositioning grip. This sort of “hugging” leaves limited flexibility for strength maneuverability with the stone at a higher position and has a higher chance of a failed lift.

Instead, when an athlete is working for their re-grip, the arms should be placed at a 45-degree angle over the top of the stone, leaving more room to work the stone onto a higher platform.

Ultimately, Hooper offered a reminder that the balls of the feet indicate where the center of the stone is. As such, the arms should still be in lockstep with the balls of the feet on initial positioning. While reviewing several video participants’ sample performances, Hooper offered one final correction to a common mistake being made in the early phase of the lift.

“The motion off the ground is not a squat, it’s a stiff-legged deadlift. Hips really high.”

Already an established superstar, Hooper, the teacher, will soon seamlessly shift to Hooper, the strongman. The athlete is set to compete at the 2023 Australia’s Strongest International (ASI) on Jan. 21, 2023, in Yapeen, Australia. If his exploits there go anywhere close to his success from 2022, Hooper just might start the new competitive year with a bang.

Featured image: Mitchell Hooper on YouTube

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Everyone in the gym has their own ideas about ab training. And the majority of people seem to hate it. It’s the one thing most lifters leave to the end of their workout in favor of movements for other body parts, if they bother to train their core at all. 

People often neglect core training because it can be grueling, boring, or just plain difficult. But it doesn’t have to be any of that. Simple and effective core training starts with the basics. When it comes to simple core training, it’s hard to beat what’s arguably the most ubiquitous of all core exercises in the gym, the classic plank. But when it comes to being both simple and effective, take the plank to the next level.

Credit: Human Form Fitness / YouTube

Enter, the bear plank. This upgraded plank position is both easier to learn than the classic and it hits your core harder. Here’s how to get a win-win for your core workout.

Bear Plank

How to Do the Bear Plank

The bear plank, or bear-stance plank, refers to holding a ground-based position using straight arms and bent legs, rather than straight arms and straight legs (like a standard plank position). Your weight is supported on your hands and toes, with no other bases of support, but your legs are bent and your knees are very slightly above ground-level. 

Step 1 — Hands, Knees, and Toes

Step 1 of doing a bear plank.
Credit: Christian Fabrizio / YouTube

Get on the ground and support your body with your hands, knees, and feet. Set your hands directly under your shoulders, not in front or behind them. Place your feet hip-width apart.

Get an approximate 90-degree joint angle at your knees. If your legs are too bent, the movement won’t be challenging enough and you’ll risk resting your knees on the ground. If your legs are too straight with your knees behind your hips, you’ll end up looking like a poorly performed standard plank, which defeats the purpose of the exercise.

Form Tip: Your overall position should be comfortable, square, and balanced. Take the time to check the position of your hands, shoulders, knees, hips, and feet. Look directed down to the ground or slightly in front of your hands. Cranking your head to look forward will only stress your neck.

Step 2 — Lift Your Knees and Brace

Step 2 of doing a bear plank.
Credit: Christian Fabrizio / YouTube

Bring your knees just a few inches off the ground and keep them in line with your feet. Don’t let your shins or knees wobble in or out of alignment. Flex every muscle from your toes to your wrists. Although this is a core-focused exercise, the more muscles surrounding the core you can also contract to promote stability, the better. (1)

Squeeze your quads, glutes, and hips. Think about driving your hands and feet into the floor as hard as possible without actually raising your body. Keep your knees off the ground and maintain complete tension for the duration of each set.

Form Tip: Don’t only focus on flexing your abs. Achieving full-body tension will contribute to a better quality bear stance which will make the movement harder and require more effort, which can yield better results.

Bear Plank Mistakes to Avoid

Even though the bear plank is a static exercise with no “moving parts,” there are still some common technique errors that will prevent maximum tension or limit progress.

Poor Knee Position

When your knees are touching the ground, your body has very little need to stabilize, so you’re not actually performing the exercise. Keeping your knees elevated also helps to maintain a strong hip position and prevent back rounding. This can also help maintain tension through your hamstrings, glutes, core, and trunk.

person in home gym doing push-up on knees
Credit: Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art / Shutterstock

Avoid it: Set your knees directly under your hips or tailbone, not far back in a nearly straight position. When you begin the exercise, imagine having a tray of wet paint appear under your knees. Stay tight, stay focused, and keep your legs clean. If your knees dip down into the “paint,” end the set, rest briefly, and try again.

Bending Your Arms

The fully supported bear plank position uses your fully straightened arms to support your upper body while your lower body is supported by bent legs. Bending your upper arms changes the overall angle of your torso and alters your center of gravity.

long-haired person in home gym doing kneeling push-up
Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock

This makes the exercise less effective overall and emphasizes the relatively smaller muscles of your arms and shoulders to support the majority of your body’s weight, compared to dispersing the tension throughout your entire body.

Avoid it: Keep your arms locked straight during the exercise. If your shoulders or triceps fatigue excessively, end the set. Over time, your muscles will adapt by building strength and endurance to support the position.

How to Progress the Bear Plank

The bear plank is a relatively a simple movement, so the natural inclination of a lifter would be to seek ways to make it more difficult once they’ve “graduated” from the basic execution. 

Add a Weight Vest 

Adding a weight vest creates a heavier load to bear when in position, requiring even more from the trunk for stability and positioning. However, the typical weight distribution of a standard weight vest (with the weighted inserts often placed around the midsection) creates even greater temptation for the spine to slip into an arched or extended position. That means more reliance on your abs to negate this repositioning and keep your spine flat. 

Credit: Depth Training and Physiotherapy Waterloo / Youtube

Keep in mind that using a weight vest usually goes hand-in-hand with reducing the amount of time spent in the plank position. Focus on high-quality performance rather than just achieving long durations. 

Shoulder Taps

In the typical bear-stance plank, there are four points of contact with the floor — two hands and two feet. That means forces are distributed evenly among all those points. As soon as one of those points of contact leaves the floor, there are added demands on the body to resist changing position to compensate for reduced stability. In the bear plank, these are rotational forces and resisting them would be termed “anti-rotation.” 


Since a massive function of your core is to brace and work against unwanted outside forces, the simple shoulder tap is a great way to train anti-rotation from a bear stance. Work hard to stay square and keep your back and trunk parallel to the floor without twisting or shifting. Try sets of 12-20 shoulder taps, alternating hands as you go along. Remember to move slowly with control. 

Bear Dogs 

Assuming a bear-stance starting position allows you to maintain a much more neutral spine when in starting position, as previously discussed. The basic bird dog exercise is a core stability movement that many lifters can master, but taking things to the next level involves some strategy. Bear dogs are a smart modification that provide all of the benefits in blasting contralateral stability (coordinating left and right limb movements).

Keep sets very low-rep, such as three or four reps per side. Instead of progressing with higher reps, opt for more total sets. This ensures you can focus on high-quality repetitions while avoiding too much fatigue which would prevent good performance.

Benefits of the Bear Plank

The bear plank, like all types of plank exercises, can be a top-level core strengthening drill. The total-body tension and abdominal activation can carry over to provide stability in other strength-focused exercises.

Better Ab Recruitment

The bear plank works well as a modification or alternative to basic planks, while being much more effective in targeting the abs due to simple changes in positioning. The abs are much more difficult to fully engage in a classic plank due to the long-legged position. Everyone naturally has a slight arch (lordotic curve) in their lower backs, and it’s especially present when standing up straight. The same issue applies when we get into a typical plank position.

However, when sitting down, it’s a lot harder to maintain the same degree of back arch. When you’re bending your knees to sit down, your pelvis tends to rotate “under” your body into more of a posterior tilt, making the spine exit extension and edge toward neutral or even a flexed position — that’s part of what makes you “slouch” when you sit.

Using that to our advantage can go a long way in its efficacy for core training. While it can be tough to keep a flat spine using a classic plank, opting for the bear plank almost ends up mimicking a seated position while kneeling. This change in knee angle also affects your pelvic position and brings your lumbar spine into a much more neutral state, which is great news for targeting and activating your abdominals. (2)

Simplified Technique

The bear plank is both a more challenging plank modification because it hits the abs harder than most other plank variations will. Fortunately, it’s also a less challenging modification because it’s relatively easier to perform for most lifters.

A lifter looking to take their core training game to the next level of quality and effectiveness can’t go wrong with the bear plank. Doubling down on the exercise by applying the advanced methods listed later in this article will be gold for keeping your training interesting while providing a continued challenge to trunk strength and stability. 

Muscles Worked by the Bear Plank

Any exercise in the plank family will first and foremost target your core muscles. The bear plank, specifically, recruits these crucial stabilizing muscles better than many other exercises due to your overall body position.

Rectus Abdominis

When all four limbs are on the ground, the bear plank primarily focuses on the rectus abdominis muscles — the body part that most people reference when they say “six-pack”. The goal of the exercise is to keep the strength of the muscular contraction consistent and high-intensity.

Transverse Abdominis

The transverse abdominis is the “inner layer” of the abdominal wall. During the bear plank, or any high-effort core bracing, your transverse abs will be firing at maximum capacity to provide stability to your entire trunk, like beams of a house giving stability to the outer framework.


Your obliques, on the sides of your abdominals, are responsible for rotating your trunk and thoracic spine, as well as resisting rotation. During the bear plank, your obliques are activated to help prevent tipping over sideways.

A close up of a muscular person's obliques.
Credit: ThomsonD / Shutterstock

Anytime you lift a hand or foot during any anti-rotational bear plank variations, your obliques take on significantly more work. They will be asked to isometrically contract to keep the core from twisting out of position.

How to Program the Bear Plank

The bear plank can be plugged into any number of workout programs, either as a warm-up and activation drill, a focused core training exercise, or as part of a conditioning workout.

High Intensity for Time

The bear plank, and all plank variations, are somewhat unique to other exercises you can perform because they’re typically not done for multiple repetitions. Instead, focus on achieving maximum tension from head-to-toe and holding that tension for a specific time — using your phone’s timer feature comes in real handy for this. Aim for anywhere from five to 30 seconds of fully flexed tension for two to five sets.

Just like you “shouldn’t” use poor form to squeeze out a few extra reps of squats, you shouldn’t allow yourself to gradually apply less and less tension as a set goes on just to hit a pre-set time limit. When you feel the focused tension falling less than 100%, stop the set, rest, and do another.

Variations of the Bear Plank

Once you’ve mastered applying full-body tension with the bear plank, you can adapt that skill and conditioning to other exercises for a variety of results.

Classic Plank

As popular and common as the plank exercise is, the interesting truth is the fact that many people perform it poorly. Positioning the body on your elbows and toes has proven to be a slightly more demanding task than meets the eye, especially with form cues to ensure your abs are working their hardest. For starters, it’s important to remember that the abdominals posteriorly tilt the pelvis.

A person performing a classic plank.
Credit: TORWAISTUDIO / Shutterstock

That means keeping your back flat with your butt squeezed and “tucked in” is far superior to keeping your back slightly (or generously) arched. Doing the latter will negate the purpose of the exercise.

Actively “pull inward” with your elbows in an attempt to move your ribcage down toward the hips. This keeps your core braced while contracting as hard as it can. This is an important cue, as it’s really easy to “hang out and chill” when performing a plank, enabling someone to stay in position for minutes on end. It’s much more effective to hold an intense contraction for 30 seconds or less, than to hold a poor quality position for three, five, or 45 minutes. 

Bear-Stance Renegade Row

Doing renegade rows from a bear-stance position isn’t only harder and more intense for the abs, it’s also an easier way for you to assume the right lumbar (lower back) posture. Your pelvis enters anterior (forward) tilt and your body has to find a way to keep your glutes and lower abs engaged enough to overcome this. This isn’t easy in the presence of fatigue.

Making the switch to bent knees with tilt your pelvis posteriorly (backward) just enough to enforce a neutral spine, potentiating more lower ab involvement while leaving the glutes less involved. If the goal is core training, this is an ideal “gym hack.” The inclusion of the row pattern (which shouldn’t use a very weight) will also train your upper back to address posture, strength, and development.


Should I begin with the bear plank or the classic plank?

Because the bear-stance plank puts your hips in a more efficient position, it can be a better starting point for many lifters. It’s also relatively harder to “cheat” during the bear plank, unless you rest your knees on the ground or stand up too high.
With the standard plank, it’s common to see lifters dropping their hips and creating a U-shape with their body, losing tension throughout their core. Either movement can be effective when done properly, but it can be redundant and inefficient to perform them both in the same workout.

When should I add weight?

Apply the same principles as any bodyweight exercise — when your current programming (sets and duration) are no longer challenging, you can add a small load to increase the difficulty. With the bear plank, that could mean adding a very light weight vest when you can perform multiple sets of 20 to 30 seconds while maintaining high tension for the duration.
Just like you might go from a set of 12 bodyweight pull-ups to a set of three weighted pull-ups, don’t be surprised if you drop from 30 seconds of unweighted bear planks to sets of five seconds with a weighted bear plank.

Get Down, Knees Up

There are hundreds of abdominal and oblique-focused exercises that might help a lifter get stronger and more conditioned, but it doesn’t have to get too fancy. Taking a basic plank and turning it into a bear-stance can be all that’s needed to step your training up a notch or two. Exercise doesn’t need to be complicated for good things to happen — quality is king. The bear plank is a great example of emphasize simple and effective training being the path to better results.


  1. Gontijo, L. B., Pereira, P. D., Neves, C. D., Santos, A. P., Machado, D.deC., & Bastos, V. H. (2012). Evaluation of strength and irradiated movement pattern resulting from trunk motions of the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Rehabilitation research and practice, 2012, 281937.
  2. Workman, Chad & Docherty, David & Parfrey, Kevin & Behm, David. (2008). Influence of Pelvis Position on the Activation of Abdominal and Hip Flexor Muscles. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association. 22. 1563-9. 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181739981.

Featured Image: Susan Niebergall Fitness / Youtube

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When Michal “Križo” Križánek became a member of the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) Pro League in the Fall of 2022, he was still a relative unknown in the major bodybuilding scene. The pro competitor parlayed that ambiguity into ambitions of competing in the 2022 Mr. Olympia. The contest was his debut on an Olympia stage and acted as a means of showcasing his unique mass and physique. In the end, a 12th-place result was a solid debut, but the athlete doesn’t appear satisfied.

On Jan. 10, 2023, Križo posted a video to his YouTube channel where he dives into some of his plans for the 2023 calendar year. One of the more notable reveals is that the athlete will skip the 2023 Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH, this March in the interest of refining perceived gaps in his overall training.

As a competitor without an automatic berth in the 2023 Mr. Olympia this November, Križo will have to earn his keep by winning an IFBB Pro League show following the organization’s changes to its qualification system. Before that happens, though, he asserted his body needs proper rest if he’s to build upon his initial Olympia performance.

It’s a conditioning factor that apparently was an issue in a whirlwind 2022 for the competitor.

“I will have to pick [my next IFBB Pro League show] smart,” Križo said. “I wasn’t happy with my conditioning at the [2022] Olympia because I know I can come in more conditioned than that. I was already too tired.”

Križo didn’t offer too many specifics about when he’ll compete again after turning down his Arnold Classic invitation. He offered up a few options, perhaps most notably the Arnold Classic UK contest, to be held in September 2023 during the recently renamed Experience With Sports Festival UK (formerly the Arnold Sports Festival UK). He also speculated about what comes next in his bodybuilding journey.

“I don’t know yet,” said Križo of his plans. “I’d like to do the Arnold Classic UK. I’ll definitely do the [2023] EVLS Prague Pro, but this time it’s only after the Olympia, two weeks after. [The Arnold Classic UK] is usually in September. The [2023] Olympia will be in November, I think. That [Arnold Classic UK] should be at the end of September. I will have to choose at least two to three shows. There is no guarantee that I would win the very first one.”

With Hadi Choopan now the defending Mr. Olympia, any number of competitors will set their sights on toppling the first-time winner. Križo has picked his path toward such an ideal personal outcome, and only time will tell whether the strategy succeeds.

Featured image: @ifbb_pro_michalkrizokrizanek on Instagram

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Blessing Awodibu entered the 2022 Mr. Olympia with high hopes. A certifiable dark horse contender, some believed Awodibu would enjoy one of the better performances of his career on the Las Vegas, NV, stage. Instead, Awodibu finished outside the top 15 while watching Hadi Choopan get his long-awaited moment of glory as the champion who successfully beat Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay. In the wake of such a humbling performance, it seems Awodibu would prefer to recalibrate first.

On Jan. 10, 2023, Awodibu used his Instagram to announce that he would be declining a formal invitation to the 2023 Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH.

Huge thanks to the [Arnold Sports Festival] for the invite, one of my all-time favourite shows, but, unfortunately, I will not be doing the Arnold [Classic] this year.

Awodibu’s main rationale for stepping down from the 2023 Arnold Classic is focusing on self-care before he can really try to achieve any ambitious goals in the coming months. In discussing why he’ll forgo one of bodybuilding’s top competitions, Awodibu didn’t overlook a detail. The winner of the 2022 International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) Indy and New York Pro contests, Awodibu noted that he felt his schedule last year was too jam-packed.

Ultimately, it seemed to have a negative effect on his eventual performance and presented physique at the 2022 Mr. Olympia.

“Going off completely for almost three months after the Indy and New York [Pro] shows and traveling really affected my Olympia prep negatively,” Awodibu wrote. “I definitely lost some muscle mass, and I didn’t have enough time to fill out my physique before the Olympia. So, right now, I’m just giving my body the much-needed time to bring my shape back before any prep. Expect a crazy comeback later this year.”

Awodibu is not the first notable name to reveal he would not be competing in the 2023 Arnold Classic. Rather than divert his energy on preparation for another contest, Derek Lunsford, the 2022 Mr. Olympia second-place finisher, revealed he would also skip the Arnold Classic. Instead, he’ll be spending his 2023 entirely on trying to finish the Olympia job at the start of this new year. That contest will take place sometime in November 2023 in Orlando, FL.

As an elite athlete, it can understandably be a lot to admit one needs time to recuperate rather than keeping the foot on the gas 99% of the time. Such a patient approach for Awodibu is theoretically unconventional, but it might pay off for him in spades in 2023.

Featured image: @blessing_awodibu on Instagram

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