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The holidays are the perfect time to give back, but it can be daunting to figure out the right way. Should you volunteer at a soup kitchen? Contribute clothing to the Salvation Army? Host a fundraiser? One of the easiest ways to lend a helping hand is simply to donate money to your favorite cause, but even that poses some challenges.

Which charity should you choose? The short answer: There isn’t really a wrong decision. The whole idea is that you’re picking a charity that resonates with you and, if it does, everybody wins.

Of course, it’s always smart to do some research to find out where your donations are going. Ideally, you want the majority of the funds to go to the mission, not to peripheral activities or events. A good starting point is GuideStar, which has up-to-date information and financial records for nearly two-million charitable organizations.

Still not sure? Here are 10 of our top picks for food nonprofits this season, or really any time.

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