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Ever since the Queen of Uncluttering, Marie Kondo, got her own Netflix series, Americans have become obsessed with Tidying Up. While I’m well overdue for a big closet purge (does this tattered, 10-year-old bathrobe spark joy?), my main concern right now is getting my kitchen in tip-top shape. It’s where I spend most of my time, and cooking and eating are my two favorite things, so it’s my main priority.

With this in mind, I reached out to a slew of professional organizers for their best tips and must-use products when tackling a not-so-tidy kitchen. (They’ve seen it all, people.) Thanks to their expert advice, our kitchens (mine and yours!) are going to look like a million bucks. Or at least one that Marie Kondo would approve of!


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Filed under: Fitness