This post was originally published on this site

Hard to be believe just three weeks ago we began this summer Challenge. Over the last three weeks, people shared their individual goals, wins, questions, and stumbling blocks in our comment boards, on the Vimify app, and in the Facebook groups. As always, I’ve loved the energy of it and appreciated hearing from folks who may not share as frequently. It’s good to know you’re here, and I hope you keep coming back.

I’m excited today to share our contest winners—including our Grok pose champ, our Big Ass salad winner, and, yes, our Grand Prize taker below. And the winners are…

The people have spoken, and the winning Grok Pose of 2018 belongs to Sam Poland. Congratulations, Sam, and thanks to everyone who submitted their photos this year. I have to say, this remains my favorite contest, and I love the creativity behind it.


@marksdailyapple #grokinthewild

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And now on to this year’s randomly chosen winner for the Big-Ass Salad Contest…. Congratulations to Bekah—and the dog who apparently also enjoys a good salad.

We received a lot of entries for this one, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t share a few more. Consider them BAS goals—and maybe a little inspiration for today’s lunch.

Natasha Dequincey-Wykes

Susan Sisarran

Rosie Bergeron

Anna Marie Cruz

A head of lettuce a day keeps the hunger away. Summer heat always makes eating salad easier, but what do you put on the salad so it’s not boring AF?! Today’s salad includes a head of romaine, a Persian cucumber, avocado, shredded cabbage, tuna, and lemon juice and evoo. I added a bit of salt and pepper. I’m on Day 3 of a 21 day primal reset because even coaches need a reminder. Every time I do this I learn something new about my own nutritional needs and health habits. And I also learn from others in the group. I’ll be leading my own challenge this July, which will include specific steps on moving away from calorie counting and excessive/chronic cardio to a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. I’ll teach you about primal principles, which include play, functional movement, eating healthy fats, and getting sufficient sleep/rest, and more! If you’ve thought about going #Keto this is a great program that will build a foundation so you can do Keto the right way and experience the benefits instead of quitting it after a few days. You must be fat adapted to do keto right! If you’re like me, juggling a million things living the life you want, you want food and activity to be PART of your lifestyle, not a disruption. Workouts should fit seamlessly into your day. And food decisions shouldn’t be stressful or too time consuming. DM me if you’re interested and I’ll be sure to let you know when the program opens up. #primalhealthcoach #primalreset #21dayreset #bigasssalad

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Michelle Sala

The Primal Belle

Wayne Spences (My vote for most creative—and, yup, that’s lichen.)

Comment Contests:

“Ask the Coaches” (For our new PRIMAL KITCHEN Organic Unsweetened Ketchup and Spicy Brown Mustard.) Winners— Rosie Bergeron, Jack Delehanty, Jeannie Zapanta, Will Hernan, Julia Young

“You Might Be Primal If” (For the full line of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Bars:) Winner—Greek Grok: “You might be Primal if you named your dog Sisson.” The staff chose that one by the way, but I’m totally honored.

“Comment for Bordeaux Kitchen Author” (For 6 months of the PRIMAL KITCHEN® Advanced Keto Kit) Winner—Cassandra Liu

“Ways to Turn Exercise Into Play” (For your own Slackline + The full line of PRIMAL KITCHEN® Collagen products (Collagen Fuel, Collagen Peptides, and Collagen Bars) Winner—Desiree

“Your Questions On My Health Routine” (For a year’s supply—12 packages each—of Adaptogenic Calm and Collagen Peptides) Winner—Keith Wilson

“Stories and Suggestions for Camping Adventures and Active Vacations” (For The Primal Blueprint Platinum Supplement Package) Winner—Eric Fritts

“Submit Your Success Story” (For a year’s supply of either Primal Kitchen® Collagen Fuel or Primal Fuel plus Primal Probiotics) Winner—Mike Sassmann

For those named above, if you haven’t received a message regarding your prize, check your email today!

And the Grand Prize Winner Is…

Finally, last but certainly not least is our Grand Prize winner: Frank McPartlan.

This lucky guy is taking home an entire year’s worth of Butcher Box grass-fed and -finished beef, organic and free-range chicken, and heritage breed pork as well as all the marinades and condiments he’ll need to enjoy these goodies, with a Primal Kitchen® “Build-Your-Own-Dressing/Marinade” 4-Pack and our brand new Organic Unsweetened Ketchup and Organic Spicy Brown Mustard every month for a year.

A huge thanks to Butcher Box for their generous donation to the Challenge this year. I’ve been a Butcher Box fan (and proud affiliate) since their beginnings, and I’m grateful for their participation in our 21-Day. It’s what I serve at my own table, and I’m grateful to partner with them for our community Grand Prize.

They’re running a great deal right now, by the way. Get FREE Bacon for the life of your subscription when you sign up for Butcher Box by 7/8/18. Your mornings will thank you, I promise.

Enjoy, Frank! And gratitude for everyone who entered and submitted to all of our contests this year. Be well, everyone, and be sure to stop back for an inspiring success story tomorrow. Take care. 


The post 21-Day Challenge Winners, Our Favorite Big-Ass Salads, and Other Highlights appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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