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This four-week program designed by Andrew Read will improve strength, endurance, and power to get you ready for an obstacle course race.


Week 1, Day 1

Workout Focus: Movement and recovery from the weekend.



Crawl forward and back 10m + Brettzel x 5 breaths each side

Side Crawl x 10m each way + Kettlebell Armbar x 5 breaths each side

Crab Crawl forward and back x 10m + Plank x 60 seconds

Lateral Ape x 10m each way + Cossack Stretch x 5 each leg

Shrimp Walk forward and back x 10m + Bridge x 5 reps with a 5 second hold on each



EDITOR’S NOTE: These workouts are designed by Master RKC Andrew Read. When it comes to obstacle course races (and a lot of other things), Andrew knows his stuff. Enjoy the workouts and good luck with your event!


This plan is designed to get you ready for a Spartan Race or other obstacle course event. The workouts are four days per week, with three of the days being double, split with extra running later in the day. If you have any questions about the exercises in the workouts, see the information I’ve outlined here.


It’s also imperative that you have a long run every weekend. If your event is 10km or less, your long run should be around two hours. If your event goes to 21km, you will need more like three hours on these weekend runs. These extra long runs are not written in the plan but don’t neglect them, as they are the cornerstones of distance running.


Work hard, eat well, and sleep a lot. In four weeks you’ll be Spartan ready AROO!

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