For the most part, the greatest risk one takes when cooking a recipe is producing an inedible meal. That being said, cooking usually involves heat or fire, knives, and hot metal — all things that can potentially be dangerous. And whether you’ve experienced it yourself or heard tales from others, burns, cuts, and trips to the ER do happen. This causes, for some, a real fear of certain equipment or cooking methods, and in turn, the refusal to use them. I for one have yet to take out my mandoline from the cupboard since the Great Thumb Slice Disaster of 2010.
But with a healthy dose of caution and proper technique, there’s no need to fear your broiler or chef’s knife. And today, we’ll face some of the most dangerous-seeming kitchen tools and maneuvers, learn how to use them correctly and safely, and welcome them (and recipes that use them) back into your culinary rotation.
Filed under: Fitness