Today is a great day.
fitness health exercise diet weight loss
I have been working with this woman for almost two months.
During that time, she has said all the right things. She wants to be healthy. She knows it’s not going to be easy but she is willing to do the hard work. She has tried this before but this time is going to be different.
blah, blah, blah
All the same things that we tell ourselves when we know we should do something, but we don’t really believe that we can actually pull it off.
Basically, it was a great big load of self delusion disguised as an Oprah-esque self-help pep talk.
But today, after workout # 19, I get a call from her.
And things were different.
I almost don’t know how to describe it.
Before today, she understood that she could transform her body if she ate and exercised the way I told her. But tody, […]

Original post by healthhabits

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