pimg class=”alignright” title=”Canned Tomatoes” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202011/iStock_000000300520XSmall.jpg” alt=”iStock 000000300520XSmall” width=”320″ height=”212″ /By now, you#8217;re undoubtedly aware of a title=”Are Plastics Safe?” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/harmful-plastics/#axzz1j5lrm9Fy”BPA/a, or bisphenol A, and its ubiquitous presence in can liners, plastics, and even receipts. I a title=”Is Canned Food Safe?” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/canned-food-safety/#axzz1j5LGnjxJ”wrote about its status as a xenoestrogen/a with the ability to interact with hormonal receptors in animal bodies, as well as its potentially deleterious effects on humans #8211; especially tiny growing humans #8211; and the general takeaway is that avoiding BPA as much as possible is in all our best interests. We can#8217;t avoid everything, but we can do a fairly good job of it. Luckily, the consumers (that#8217;s you) have spoken up loud enough to get companies to pay attention to the way they line their cans so that while BPA remains a pervasive issue, more and more BPA-free products are being introduced. This is good, but which ones […]
Original post by Mark Sisson
Filed under: Fitness