Calorie counting is a weight loss tool. And it is a very valuable tool. There are many people who have successfully lost weight by doing nothing other than learning how to count calories and adjusting their diets accordingly.  However, in my mind Calorie counting should be used as a tool, not a crutch. You should be learning from calorie counting. In fact, after 2-3 months of Calorie counting you really shouldn’t need to count Calories anymore.
Because if you’ve been counting accurately for a couple of months then you should now know what the ‘right’ amount of food feels like.  After 3 months, you should know what ‘right’ feels like while eating a wide variety of foods, on the days you workout vs. the days you don’t, on weekends, on weekdays etc. i
Calorie counting can be an excellent tutor – something that helps you learn about your body.  OR, it can […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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