pimg class=”alignright” title=”Steve’s Club Sampler” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA2010/Picture13-3.png” alt=”Picture13 3″ width=”320″ height=”213″ /strongThe Prize:/strong/p
pHunks of grass-fed meat, raw nuts and dried berries all conveniently packaged together: If your struggle during the first week of the a title=”The 2011 Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge Begins Now ” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-2011-primal-blueprint-30-day-challenge-begins-now/” target=”_self”30-Day Challenge/a was finding healthy snacks or Primal meals while on-the-go, Steve#8217;s got you covered. The lucky winner of today#8217;s contest will receive two a title=”Steve’s Club Samplers” href=”http://www.stevesoriginal.com/cart/Journeyman-Pack/” target=”_blank”Steve#8217;s Club Samplers/a ($32 each) and a title=”GrassFed PaleoStix” href=”http://www.stevesoriginal.com/cart/Grass-Fed-Paleostix/” target=”_blank”5 Grass-Fed PaleoStix/a ($30)./p
pstrongBonus #1:/strong Use promo code strongpaleokitmda/strong for a 10% discount through the month of September./p
pstrongBonus #2: /strong15% of the proceeds go to support a title=”Steve’s Club National Program” href=”http://www.stevesclub.org/” target=”_blank”Steve#8217;s Club National Program/a to bring CrossFit and nutrition education to at-risk teens in cities across the country./p
pspan id=”more-23181″/span/p
pstrongThe Contest:/strong/p
pIt#8217;s been one week since the a title=”The 2011 Primal Blueprint 30-Day Challenge Begins Now ” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-2011-primal-blueprint-30-day-challenge-begins-now/” target=”_blank”2011 […]
Original post by Mark Sisson
Filed under: Fitness