pimg class=”alignright” title=”Aloe Vera” alt=”aloevera” src=”http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg158/MDA2008/MDA%202012/aloevera.jpg” width=”320″ height=”213″ /For today#8217;s edition of a title=”Dear Mark” href=”http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/dear-mark/”Dear Mark/a, we#8217;ve got a three-parter. First I discuss the effect of aloe vera on gut function. Is there evidence that it#8217;s a panacea for intestinal permeability, as so often is claimed? Next, I help an extremely active reader who#8217;s considering switching to one meal a day to lose the last few stubborn pounds of body fat figure out what his next move should be. And finally, I explore the evidence for a connection between the herbicide glyphosate and celiac disease./p
pLet#8217;s go:br /
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blockquotepI have been reading a lot about Aloe Vera juice and the claim that it#8217;s a #8220;miracle#8221; potion for helping with curing leaky gut. Do you have an opinion about using this as a method for helping to heal the gut? There is also some research out there claiming that aloe juice […]
Original post by Mark Sisson
Filed under: Fitness