Bad science breeds diet mythology. Somewhere along the way someone screws up. The screw-ups can range from borderline deception and outright idiocy to a more subtle kind that is not apparent upon closer scrutiny and careful reflection by a third party. Sometimes the devil is in the details.
In many cases the mass media is to blame. Dumbed down translations of results, coupled with soundbites taken out of context and comments from “experts,” can easily distort the true meaning of a study. Sensationalistic headlines like “fruit is fattening” sells more papers than “HFCS in refined foods may cause weight gain”.
Sometimes we are to blame. When looking for the next cutting edge diet strategy or pill to optimize fat loss and muscle gain, we tend to look for stuff that validates our theories or fantasies. We are prone to readily accept any evidence, however weak and vaguely presented, as long as it […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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