Does home espresso invariably suck? I read Matt Duckor’s piece, Why Your At-Home Espresso Probably Sucks, that Epicurious published a few weeks ago, and I had some immediate and surprisingly spiky emotions in response. At first, I just felt confused, then a little abashed, followed by defensive (Jeez, is my espresso really that bad? Hey, it’s not that bad!). After some reflection, I’ve finally settled on my final takeaway: I don’t care what Epicurious or Matt Duckor thinks.
But I do care what you think. If you love your homemade espresso, then I don’t want anyone to knock you down for it. Here’s my argument for you, and all of us who are crazy for our homemade espresso. Here’s why I love my espresso — and maybe why you love yours, too.
Filed under: Fitness