New research from John Hopkins University has found that fibromyalgia patients who engaged in 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity 5 to 7 days per week were able to:

improve their mobility, while
reducing their levels of perceived pain and disability

And as anyone who suffers with fibro surely knows, that is huge.

Never-ending pain throughout your body
Lack of sleep
Complete and utter exhaustion

That’s what it’s like to live with fibromyalgia.
Not fun.
The Study
Researchers asked the participants to increase their activity levels by increasing the intensity of regular everyday activities such as

taking the stairs instead of using an elevator,
and walking.

Their goal was to push themselves hard enough to cause heavy breathing, but not hard enough that they couldn’t hold a conversation.
The Results
By the end of the study, the participants had increased their average daily steps by 54%.
More significantly, the exercisers reported “significantly less perceived functional deficits and less pain.”
Speaking about these results, researcher Kevin Fontaine […]

Original post by healthhabits

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