While watching some of the healthcare debate stuff on the news, I started thinking about:
How the U.S. could save healthcare dollars by spending more on disease prevention / health promotion
How Canadians pay less for pharmaceuticals thanks to public health care
All this deep thinking happened while I was shopping for fish oils, etc at my favorite health food store.
It got me thinking, what if all of the customers in the store got together, pooled all of their purchases and asked for a volume discount?
What would happen?
As individuals, we don’t have the leverage needed to get better prices.
But, what if thousands of us joined together as a group (perhaps an online group) and demanded better prices for our:
Nutritional supplements – vitamins, etc…
Health club memberships
Workout equipment
Workout clothes
Personal training sessions
Would we get a better price?
So, as a little experiment, I have set up a little beta test.
Using a facebook Group, I am asking all […]
Original post by healthhabits
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