Attack that Turkey with peace of mind – KnuckleUp's got your back!

Ho Ho Ho!
This year, the Holidays started early at the gym. And we’ve already got you a gift!
We know how tough it can be to stay in shape when you have the combination Halloween candy – Thanksgiving turkey – Christmas ham attacking you right when it starts to get cold and all you want to do is eat and stay under the blankets.
So we’ve set up a special package to keep you from falling into the Holiday foodtrap:
Here’s what’s in your holiday fitness package:
1. An entire month of UNLIMITED membership (access to any classes, including jiu-jitsu and mma);
2. Pair of leather boxing gloves, handwraps, jump rope, and a cool KnuckleUp bag to carry it all;
3. TWO hour-long private training sessions (a $150 value).
Not to sound too infomercial-like, but if you add the entire package it comes to $350.
But you’re […]

Original post by knuckleup

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