This post was originally published on this site

I have a dilemma, and I’m not sure if I need etiquette advice or if I should talk to a therapist. My roommate and I love to have small gatherings in our apartment. I’m going to be honest: We like to drink. In my opinion, we handle it pretty well, and so do most of our friends. There are rarely cars involved (we live in the city), and no one leaves wasted — except for our one friend. We call her Lady Drinks-a-Lot, because she does. She’s great at the beginning of the night, but always crosses a line, to the point where other guests start to enjoy themselves less, and we worry about her health and safety. How can we handle this without hurting her feelings?

Not a Babysitter

Dear NaB,

If there is any question about safety, forget feelings. Hurt feelings are nothing compared to death, injury, or even a night in jail.


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Filed under: Fitness