One of the best parts of my job is getting feedback from women like you about the work we do at GGS. I recently spoke at a large conference in Chicago, and just a few days later, this message popped up on our Facebook feed.
“… it forever changed my view on many things and also changed me as a trainer.”
“I came to the gym Monday a different trainer.”
This is why we do what we do at GGS — and this coach wasn’t the only one.
After my talk, I had the pleasure of speaking with dozens of women and men who thanked me for changing their entire perspective on how to coach women.
During my presentation, I talked a lot about how women’s experiences in their lives and bodies inform how they perceive their interactions with their coaches and trainers.
How women interact with their coaches and trainers has a profound impact on how they feel about themselves. A negative experience can cause women to feel embarrassment or shame, discourage them from reaching their potential, or even lead them to quit working out altogether!
In fact, when we polled the GGS community, of the women who reported having negative experiences, 86 percent of them felt as though they weren’t able to reach their potential.
This is not OK.
Not only is it not OK, it is one of the main reasons why we started the Coaching & Training Women Academy, an online Academy that will offer multiple women-specific certifications for health and fitness professionals.
This industry has been under-serving women for years, and I truly believe the Coaching & Training Women Academy is a crucial first step toward a complete overhaul.
Everywhere I go and every minute I spend in our GGS communities, I find women just like you and me who:
- Want to change women’s perceptions of their bodies and what they are capable of.
- Are fed up with all the BS spewed by companies looking to profit off of women’s insecurities.
- Have experienced our own health and fitness transformation and feel inspired to empower others.
- Want to be better coaches and finally give women the coaching and care they deserve.
When I think about Girls Gone Strong and the future of our organization, I couldn’t be more excited that we’re raising awareness and offering resources for health and fitness professionals to help them better understand, connect with, and serve their female clients.
If you take a good look at the educational tools and certifications available for health and fitness professionals, you will notice that there is very little information available on female-specific coaching. If we’re lucky we might get a paragraph or two about the menstrual cycle and how it may affect training. Of the available information, much of it is either not evidence-based or not comprehensive. It might cover only prenatal information, or only postnatal, or provides only one professional’s perspective from one specific area of expertise, leaving out all of the other important aspects of coaching women — and it certainly doesn’t include information about the psychology of coaching women.
We have helped thousands of women from around the world heal their relationship with themselves and their body, and helped them reach their health and fitness goals in a sustainable way. In the process, we realized something:
We realized that we can make an even greater impact on women’s lives.
The way we will do that is by educating the pros who work with them. We want to give them the skills to empower women and ultimately change the landscape of women’s health information.
You tell us all the time that you want to help move the needle in the fitness industry… to be involved in empowering other women to be their best in health, fitness, and body autonomy.
We’re giving you the tools to do that through the Coaching and Training Women Academy.
We’re starting with our Pre- & Postnatal Coaching Certification, and enrollment opens TOMORROW.
I want you to join me right now on this incredible journey to raise the bar when it comes to training women. If you haven’t joined our pre-sale list already, I strongly recommend that you do. Not only will you have the opportunity to enroll 24 hours before the general public, you’ll also save $200! We are only opening registration to a limited number of students, and we expect spots to fill quickly. Getting on the pre-sale list increases your chances of getting one of those spots.
⇒ Become a Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach. Join the pre-sale list NOW.
We’ve brought together 16 women who are at the top of their game and know this content inside and out. You’ll learn from physiotherapists, OB-GYNs, psychologists, doulas, and pre- and postnatal experts.
This cert will make you a better, more intuitive, and knowledgeable coach. And the women you work with? You will change their lives forever.
Not only can you help your clients follow smart programming so that they can enjoy an active, healthy life at all stages of their pregnancy and feel confident in their own skin, but you’ll also be able to comfortably talk about the things that “no one” is talking about — things like pelvic floor health, incontinence, and the shame women often experience around their bodies. All of these things will help your clients have their happiest, healthiest, strongest, and safest pregnancies and postpartum experiences ever.
As for our future certifications… Our Psychology of Coaching Women Certification is tentatively scheduled for July 2018, and we plan to introduce a third certification for coaching peri- and postmenopausal women in 2019.
All the certifications will include a hardcover textbook, a workbook, and an online portal full of videos, worksheets, case studies, and other downloadable resources. All courses will be self-paced with online exams.
I know in my heart that you’re here right now because you believe women deserve more, and you’re passionate about empowering other women — and you know that change starts with you, not someone else. YOU.
⇒ Become a Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach. Join the pre-sale list NOW.
The post “I came to the gym Monday a different trainer.” appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.
Filed under: Fitness