As much time as we all spend cooking, Kitchn editors probably log an equal amount of hours on Slack. We use it to talk about recipes we love, recap episodes of Nailed It, and obsess over common supermarket ingredients. (Oh yeah, and to talk about work.)
This morning, I was chatting with our Food Director, Hali Bey Ramdene, and she mentioned that, on a recent trip to Trader Joe’s, she couldn’t find her beloved smoked trout. “I am WORRIED,” she typed.
And that’s the (only?) problem with Trader Joe’s. So often we get attached to their products, only to deal with devastation if they eventually become discontinued. Not to upset Hali even more, I wanted to know what other products she’d be crushed over, should they ever become discontinued.
Here’s her list — and what she had to say.
Filed under: Fitness