I apologize for being Missing In Action for the last couple months.
If you haven’t already heard, the 5th edition of Eat Stop Eat has finally been released (YEAH) so I have some time to blog again.

I think the best place for you and I to catch up is with the series of DEXA experiments I’ve been conducting on myself.

(Special thanks to the team at the Bone Health Clinic in Toronto for allowing me access to their DEXA Scanner.)
The DEXA scans (and also the BODPOD measurements and Metabolic Rate Measurements) were all part of an experiment to compare myself now at age 35 to the data I had from when I was in my mid-twenties. And I’m happy to say — They were pretty much exactly the same.

This has served to be a fun experiment. I also planned a series of photoshoots to coincide with my DEXA measurements.  Then, I […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Filed under: Fitness