Grocery-store theme weeks usually do nothing for me. When I’m looking for milk and avocados, I don’t particularly care if the store management has gotten really excited about the World Cup or tailgating this week — but I just found an exception to this rule. Apparently it’s “American Week” at Aldi in Germany, and the”American foods” they’re selling are totally hilarious. It’s basically Homer Simpson week at Aldi Germany.
Obviously there’s a lot of beef on sale during American Week. This seems fair, because we do eat a lot of beef. There’s also peanut butter cups, popcorn, chocolate muffins, jelly beans, a “cookie cream” jar made of stripes of Nutella and Oreo cookie filling, mini brownies, and basically a whole lot of candy covered in tiny American flags. I’m getting a food coma just looking at it.
Here’s what else is on the menu.
Filed under: Fitness