Last week it was Michelle Obama.
This week it’s British celeb-chef Jamie Oliver making an appeal to the American public…begging them to change their food & lifestyle habits in an attempt to save their children from a shortened and unhealthy future.

more about “Jamie Oliver’s TED Prize wish: Teach …“, posted with vodpod

So, what do you think?
Personally, I question the effectiveness of big government social programs like the First Lady’s Let’s Move program. I think that change is most effective when it happens at the grassroots level.

And while I don’t know if we should consider a multi-million dollar reality tv show to be “grassroots”, we all know about the powerful effect that television has upon on our lives.

Maybe instead of tv causing obesity, it can help solve the problem.


If you have someone in your family who needs to lose weight, please forward this article.


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Original post by healthhabits

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