February was a busy month and I didn’t get around to posting much. Since things have cooled down a bit and I need to get back into the habit of writing, I’m gonna kick off this month with an article that touches on a few factors that I believe are important for anyone wanting to maintain a lean appearance at all times of the year.
I’ve never a fan of the bulk and cut approach. An approach often taken to the extreme by some of my peers, with the net result being that they only look decent during the summer months. Simply not my style. Perhaps it’s a consequence of growing up fat. Perhaps it’s because I’m more impressed by feats of great relative strength, for which leanness is critical. I’m not sure. It is what it is, like the saying goes.
Once I cut down to 5.5% bodyfat by late December […]
Original post by noreply@blogger.com (Martin Berkhan)
Filed under: Uncategorized