IMPORTANT – The post is written under the assumption that Mike, and the rest of the top bodybuilders of his era, used steroids. If you don’t like this assumption, please don’t read the rest of the post.
Mike Mentzer  may have been the smartest body builder of all time – or at least of his generation.
He seemed to have realized something that none of the other trainers of his day realized – Time is extremely valuable.
And, Mike may have also realized that he could let the anabolic nature of steroids do the majority of the growth inducing work – That there was a MAXIMAL rate (speed) at which his muscle could grow or increase in size. And once that rate was hit by using the right amount of steroids, all the bench presses, dead lifts and squats in the world were not going to speed it up to any noticeable degree.
Think […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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