As I try to be more eco-friendly in general, and in the kitchen in particular, one thing I’m trying to do is eliminate paper towels from my repertoire. I’ve made them less of a habit by keeping them under the sink instead of on the countertop. While I am using fewer paper towels, it means using other things more frequently, like my dish towels and microfiber cloths.
If you’re using a rag (let’s just call it like it is) to mop up spills and wipe down countertops instead of a paper towel, it’s going to get wet and dirty. Wet and dirty enough that you should only use it for a day, maybe two, before it needs to be cleaned. But those damp rags can’t just sit in the hamper getting everything else all damp and mildew-y. And I’m not about to start doing mini loads of laundry to clean these things as they get dirty.
Filed under: Fitness