Awesome Image taken by Toby Green – flickr
Researchers have found that in just 3 short months, a group of inactive men with high blood pressure were able to drastically lower their BP, resting pulse rate and body-fat % by playing soccer.
That’s right – soccer.
In fact, the results were significantly better than results achieved via the typical medical advice on healthy diet & exercise. (link to study)
The researchers found that “a regular game of soccer affects numerous cardiovascular risk factors such as maximal oxygen uptake, heart function, elasticity of the vascular system, blood pressure, cholesterol and fat mass far more than e.g. strength training and just as much if not more than running”.
More than running?
But, isn’t that what soccer is? You run and chase the ball over here…and then you chase the ball over there…etc, etc….
So, why is playing soccer better than just running around a track?
What’s the difference?
The difference is […]
Original post by healthhabits
Filed under: Uncategorized