(Image credit: Best Made Company)
I am a sucker for a notebook. In this very digital age, it is comforting to me to have such an analog way of keeping track of everything and anything, from my daily to-do list to random scribblings about life and politics. But not just any notebook will do.
I like a notebook with a textured cover — don’t ask me why, I just do. I also like color, although I have been known to buy a black journal or three. I also prefer a certain paper stock. The pages shouldn’t be too flimsy, but they shouldn’t be too thick, either. One thing I’m not rigid about is lines. I can go ruled or unruled.
My go-to notebooks are Moleskines. They come in all different colors, sizes, and textures, and you can find them in most any stationary store. But I am always on the lookout for something different, something a little bit special.
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Filed under: Fitness