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When I was a new mom, finding time for a quick shower was a challenge, let alone finding time to make a meal. And I needed lots of meals. Somehow breastfeeding gave me an insatiable appetite that probably could have put a high school football player to shame.

That why, of all the gifts I received, the one I remember most fondly was a care package a mom friend dropped on my porch. Although she had her own hands full with a toddler, she managed to find a little time to fill a box with diapers and wipes, chocolates, a bottle of wine, and dozens of energy bars. It wasn’t your typical new-baby gift — it was better. Quite literally a box of new-mom emergency supplies, it had everything I needed to keep my sanity. I scarfed one bar right on the spot. And over the next few weeks that stash was nothing short of a lifesaver.


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