Near as I can tell, it’s been 7 weeks since my last workout.
Probably longer than I have ever gone without working out in my entire life.
Well, that’s not entirely true.
It started off on purpose. It was supposed to be a two week forced break from working out while I researched and wrote about taking time off from working out (see my last two blog posts).
I figured, ‘If I’m going to write about it, it only seems logical that I experience it’
So two weeks went by without training…not a big deal.
Then on the night when I was SUPPOSED to start training again I had the unfortunate luck of being rear-ended on my way home from work.
Luckily, no one was hurt, and the kids weren’t in the car..
However, for lack of better terms I somehow ‘messed up’ my foot (the one that was on the […]
Original post by Brad Pilon
Filed under: Fitness