Like most personal trainers, my business has been built on word of mouth.
When my clients lose weight and get fit, their friends notice and I pick up a new client.
And, considering that most of my clients are interested in melting off body-fat, diet & weight loss has become a bit of an obsession for me.
So, when it comes to dietary recommendations, I need to get it right.
That’s why, at it’s core, the Health Habits Diet is a modified Paleo-style diet.

Apple Glazed Turkey Breast

Because based upon the scientific research and my first hand experience, there is no better way of eating for general health and gradual weight loss than Paleo.
You’re eating foods that are high in nutrients and relatively low in calories
And while, it’s always a big transition for new clients, the ones who buy into the concept and trust me (even for a month or so) always see great results….always.
But, […]

Original post by healthhabits

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