If you’ve experienced the power of the Primal lifestyle in your own life I’m sure you feel the same way I do: that the Primal Blueprint shouldn’t be kept a secret. Everyone should have access to this life-altering information. It’s what motivates me to keep Mark’s Daily Apple running each day. And it’s why I’ve teamed up with Daily Burn this holiday season to bring you a special offer.
As we approach Christmas and the season of New Year’s resolutions what better time to give the gift of health to a loved one? And what better way to introduce your spouse, friend, co-worker or family member to the Primal Blueprint and help them unleash their inner Grok than with The Primal Blueprint, The Primal Blueprint Cookbook and an Elite Membership to Daily Burn?
What’s Daily Burn, you ask? You’ve probably heard me recommend tracking your eating plan and fitness levels if you […]
Original post by Mark Sisson
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