Research of the Week
Wall sits reduce hypertension.
Resveratrol could replace sulfites in wine-making.
Teens who stay up late have less self-regulation.
Blood from human teens rejuvenates aging mice.
The link between produce consumption and better cognitive function is mediated by physical activity.
New Primal Blueprint Podcasts
Episode 143: Jimmy Moore: Host Elle Russ chats with prolific low-carb author, podcaster, and evangelist Jimmy Moore.
Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.
- Promises and Limitations of the “Personalized Care” Movement: Where We Are Now
- Can You Harness the Placebo Effect For Yourself?
Interesting Blog Posts
How much meat and protein are we actually eating?
Are you on a hunger-free diet?
Media, Schmedia
The hits keep coming for Theranos.
According to the new statin guidelines, everyone over 40 is at imminent risk for a deadly heart attack. Luckily, there’s a wonder drug for that!
Everything Else
Vegans are focusing their activist ire on a true titan of industrial animal cruelty: a primitive skills expert who teaches a class on humane slaughter.
Data miners plumbed a global database of recipes for correlations between different cuisines and health, finding a “clear correlation between obesity and cuisines that are dominated by sugar and carbohydrate.”
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Concept I’m playing with: Free will (or lack thereof).
Movement that impressed me: This casual side lever pull.
Articles I’m pondering: “Neoliberalism is creating loneliness. That’s what’s wrenching society apart” by George Monbiot.
Announcement I’m pleased to, well, announce: The new edition of The Primal Blueprint!
Science development I’m : Scientists are growing tiny lungs, hearts, and other tissues from stem cells to study complex human diseases, track gene function, and build the next generation of realistic action figures.
Recipe Corner
- A roundup of Primal Thanksgiving sides.
- Mayo-roasted turkey. Sounds weird, but it’s good (especially if you don’t skimp on the mayo).
Time Capsule
One year ago (Nov 20 – Nov 26)
- 5 Responses When Relatives Ask Why You’re Not Eating Stuffing This Thanksgiving – Prepare yourself.
- How Bad is Charred Meat, Really? – Is it gonna kill me, doc?
Comment of the Week
“Everything the light touches is our kingdom…”
– You got that right, ericle2. (From Mark’s Daily Apple on Instagram)
The post Weekend Link Love– Edition 427 appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.
Filed under: Fitness