This post was originally published on this site

Hey everybody, I know some of you are stopping in this morning for your Sunday dose of salient news—all the latest on epigenetic findings, human oddities, and other Primal worthy items.

No worries. We’re not abandoning Weekend Link Love, but we are rescheduling it—this time to Mondays—and adding to it for good measure. You’ll find all the things you love—latest research, stuff I’m up to and interested in, quote of the week (and more)—on Monday mornings, right when you’re just about ready for that first morning break and second cup of coffee.

Still looking for some Sunday content? Newsletter subscribers now get a Sunday morning note from yours truly. No ads, no promos, just me talking about the latest fitness routines I’m trying, books I’m reading, studies I’m pondering—a casual weekend check-in from me to you. I’ve gotten great feedback, and I appreciate all the emails from readers the last few weeks about it. So, if you haven’t signed up for the newsletter (there’s a sign-up form just below this post and on the home page), this is a great time to do it. I’d love to have you join us.

In the meantime, have a great weekend.


The post Where’s Weekend Link Love??? appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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Filed under: Fitness