The fitness world of today has slowly been been moving away from promoting long distance cardio and going more and more towards pushing purely anaerobic forms of exercise (like sprinting and weight lifting).
It’s definitely for good reason. Studies have shown that sprinting, body weight exercises and/or weight lifting in conjunction with daily walking have huge benefits to both the way you look and feel. Especially since everyone was under the belief that marathon running was the only thing that meant fitness, it was important to make clear that there is more to fitness than long distance cardio (and even that long distance cardio could be harmful to your joints and isn’t necessary).
That being said, if you’re interested in functional fitness and having strength as well as endurance, then cardio DOES matter. That doesn’t mean marathon running, but it does mean being able to run 3-5 miles at a solid pace.
The […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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