See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • Go Michele

Magazine Article

No doubt, the six-meal-a-day-approach so prevalent among fitness professionals and recreational trainees alike can interfere with social life and work. It’s sad considering it doesn’t have to be that way. Indeed we ourselves are the creators of all of our troubles and compulsions. But it certainly doesn’t help when we are constantly showered with messages concerning the dire consequences of not eating every two to three hours. Nonsense and make believe.
But there is hope. I’m working with an ever increasing amount of competitors who are fed up with the old dogma and time-consuming behavior that tends to come with the territory. It’s good to see and experience that more people in this industry are starting to open up their eyes. Role models are needed to create change on a greater scale.
Here’s an article about one of my clients. I’ve translated some parts of it.

“…this summer I adopted an […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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Alright, what a great event we had on Saturday!
Again, packed house – people that came in late were watching the fight standing, because all of the seats were taken.
The National Guard Armory held well over 500 people, and there was no disappointment that evening.
We had amazing fights, including Billy’s and Gina’s, who both fought tremendously well.
Since I couldnt find the official results, I’m just going to post the videos here. Enjoy!
Jonathan Thomas VS Jason Ramos

Zed Mitchel VS Josh Mundem The best fight of the night!

Jamie Pickett VS Kelly Wilkins

Nick Morrison VS David Griffin

Christian Brunnetti vs Jason Salvo

Billy Frezza vs Stephen Henkel

Gina Elko vs Ashley Nee (the longest battle of the night – Ashley won by a tough split decision)

The last fight of the night, Wayne Hunter VS Mike Kellar, was withdrawn from YouTube due to copyright issues. It is beyond me to explain how a $300,000 UFC fight can be […]

Original post by knuckleup

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I hope you’ve been enjoying my posts lately. I thought I might do something different today and rustle up a few bits of info from around the WWW. These are some of the news items and blog posts that have been popular over the last few weeks. Leave me your thoughts.
Optimal Life Fitness Group Blog – Kettlebells, Olympic Lifting and …
Optimal Life Fitness, for Health, Fitness and a New Lifestyle Outdoors.
Killsport Kettlebell Training: Monday 9/21/09
If this 1 doesnt kill you… Do repetitions of 30-20-10. circuit style for time 1. kettlebell snatch xR/L 2. burpee/pushups 3. kettlebell pull/catch/squat 4. kettlebell double jerks 5. pullups 6. lunges x R/L 7. kettlebell swings 8. situps.
Rusty Kettlebell from Ukraine – Dragon Door Forums
Hello comrades, Yesterday I just got a kettlebell from Ukraine, that my mother in law brought me from there. This 18 kg bell seems it went through.
Hope you enjoy the read […]

Original post by dominic Paris

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Are you passionate about fitness and health, and able to write?
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Then you’ve come to the right place.
In honor of our opening and to help kick start the process of making this site a hub of amazing fitness articles, is sponsoring Passionate Posts Competition 2009.
How it Works:
Here’s how it works. All you do is become a member (it’s free) and submit any article related to fitness and health via the “Submit Articles” option that you’ll see available to you in the user menu as a member. After going through our editors, your article will be added to the “Passionate Posts” category on the sidebar, and the articles in that category will be cycled through the […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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Doctors Ignore Obesity

Obesity costs America $147 billion each and every year.
It’s linked to cancer…
and diabetes…
and depression….
and generally ain’t that good for you

So, how come “many overweight patients are not being advised to lose weight, diet, or exercise”.
In fact, when it comes to medical intervention in cases of obesity, the numbers are as follows:

Having a doctor tell the patient about the health problems associated with being overweight (48.0%),
Suggesting diet and exercise (46.5%),
Referring the patient to a formal diet program (5.2%),
Prescribing a weight loss medication (4.0%),
Recommending a non-prescription weight loss product (1.8%),
Recommending stomach bypass surgery (1.5%).

I don’t know about you, but considering that obesity is fast becoming the western world’s #1 health issue, I think that the global medical community should be taking obesity prevention/treatment much more seriously.
I don’t know if it’s a lack of knowledge or the threat of discrimination lawsuits or the frustration of being ignored by obese patients over and over […]

Original post by DR

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I’ll admit it. For the most part, beverages don’t get a lot of attention around here. I tend to take a pretty dismissive stance on them, perhaps as a reaction to the ridiculous mainstream obsession with water intake (64 ounces per day? C’mon!). Also, besides the occasional hankering for a cold beer, I don’t really crave beverages. Coffee in the mornings, water when thirsty, and the occasional glass of wine with dinner is my typical lineup. Most of the fluids my body needs comes from the food I eat so I tend to view beverages as largely inessential. They’re nice and refreshing, but rarely needed.

But I also realize that giving up certain types of drinks can be a huge stumbling block for some PBers: athletes who grew up chugging Gatorade during competition might pine for the sugary liquid, and ex-soda addicts may still be tempted to keep a stash of […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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I watched The Biggest Loser last week – as well as the prior week’s opener, thanks to TiVo. I know what you’re thinking, but, hey, it’s my job and it has to be done. Truth is, I figure it’s about time someone shook America by the lapels and exposed the myths and fallacies in this show, which has become one of the most popular on TV. With all the glowing coverage, the average viewer is starting to think The Biggest Loser somehow represents the indomitability of the human spirit and the triumph of modern bariatric medicine. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. It’s a made-for-TV spectacle that has morphed into a cruel hoax perpetrated on the typical overweight person in America who is desperately looking for the weight-loss secret. It shows precisely how NOT to lose weight. Talk about two steps forward and three steps back. A few […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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I’ll have another Q&A up soon, but I figure I’d drop by real quick and link some worthwhile reading and listening material.
* Ryan Zielonka writes about his experience with my RPT system.
“Intelligent HIT – the kind promulgated by Martin, at least – keeps volume to a minimum. Major movements are trained infrequently. Martin has taken his cues from guys like Arthur Jones and Stuart McRobert, altering the workout week to an extended 8-day schedule and emphasizing progressive overload over volume.”
…”For the past four weeks I was in the gym three times every eight days. My bench press improved by 30lbs for five reps. My deadlift improved dramatically, over 80lbs for four reps. Back squat didn’t move as much as I would have liked, from four to six reps with a 15lb increase in weight.”
– Ryan
Some pretty solid gains. I’ve been getting e-mails from people that tried my template from The […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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Meal Frequency and Mass Gains

Good article by Lyle.
You can check out the progress I made with 16 hours of fasting and three meals a day here.
I should note that gaining muscle on an intermittent fasting setup is not for everybody. For some people, it’s simply burdensome to eat the calories required for growth, in which case splitting meals in a more conventional manner is the better approach.
However, most find they get used to the meal pattern after a few days of adaptation, seen through decreased hunger during the fast and a greater appetite in the post-workout window (where the overfeeding takes place). This adaptation is mediated through the hunger hormone ghrelin, which increases/decreases according to habitual meal patterns.

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Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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The Four Horsemen

In a recent podcast, Lyle announced a collaborative book project with me, Alan Aragon and Borge Fagerli. This book will precede the book I’m working with, but will include a little something on intermittent fasting and bodyrecomposition by yours truly.
For those not familiar with Alan Aragon, he’s a nutritional consultant, contributing editor to Men’s Health magazine and also maintains the excellent Research Review. I highly encourage anyone with an interest in this field to subscribe to RR, and I do so myself.
Borge Fagerli is a personal trainer and the founder of MyRevolution, a norwegian company which provides their own line of supplements and online based training. An alround smart guy, and creator of “Myo-Reps”, a rest-pause style of weight training (google it, there are thorough explanations/guides available).
I’m excited about this project, and it shouldn’t be too long before it’s out. At least not compared to the book I’ve been […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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