See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • Go Michele

Lyle wrote an article based on conversations with me, Alan Aragon and Casey Butt, with regards to the maximum muscular potential of natural lifters and realistic rates of muscle gain.
Here’s my take on the issue.
“Martin Berkhan of has a somewhat simpler model than Casey’s, also based on his observation of top level natural bodybuilding competitors who are contest lean (e.g. 4-5% body fat).
His equation is:
Height in centimeters – 100 = upper limit of weight in kilograms in contest shape.
So take your height in inches and multiply by 2.54, that’s your height in centimeters. Subtract 100 and that’s your predicted maximum weight in contest shape (which is 5% body fat or less for males) in kilograms. Multiply that value by 2.2 to get pounds. So let’s look at body weight at 10% body fat using the same heights I used for Casey’s calculator. I’ve also calculated out […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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New post + deleted e-mails

I’ve been very busy the last two weeks, which is why I haven’t found the time to post. I have an interesting post coming up soon though. Hopefully later this week.
On another note, I invariably end up deleting e-mails/consultation inquiries now and then, as some end up in my spam folder. I usually try to answer every e-mail, however briefly, so if you didn’t get a reply then resend it and use “Leangains” as the headline.

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Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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The KnuckleUp Team Of Winners!

This past Saturday, before the fights started, a group of good-looking KnuckleUp students headed over to the Wright Memorial bridge to participate in the celebration of the 9th Annual Kitty Hawk Heritage Day festival.
The main event, a 5K race, was a walk in the park for these beach bootcamp graduates, so they had plenty of time to shoot some pictures and even put some videos together for us.
We want to congratulate everybody for their efforts, and celebrate another win with you!
It’s no surprise they did so well in the race – under Matt’s military training they run well over 5k at least twice a week. Actually, it’s more like 7 MILES twice a week.
A big thanks for Rev. Jay Bowman for putting this awesome video together:
Watch the video on Facebook (it’s only available there)Similar Posts:

Final Class Of Fitness Bootcamp On The Beach This Tuesday
Outer Banks Beach […]

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I hope you’ve been enjoying my posts lately. I thought I might do something different today and rustle up a few bits of info from around the WWW. These are some of the news items and blog posts that have been popular over the last few weeks. Leave me your thoughts.
Former boxing coach points out solution
He attended boxing training in Russia and Cuba, apart from coaching the national team in 1983/99). Franklin Gomes participated in three Pan-African Games in …  Read More…
Scheduled work crew
Training Days: Best scene is Juan Manuel doing 1/4-mile sprints. Who says boxing is dead? See that pep rally for Marquez in Los Angeles? …  Read More…
Jass Boxing a hidden jewel
Now, he channels his love for boxing and his desire to compete into these training sessions. It's his way of giving back to the sport that he feels gave him …  Read More…That’s all the news for today guys, so […]

Original post by dominic Paris

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In Defense of Farmers

photographer: Alia Malley

In my hometown of Toronto, Michael Pollan is a hipster gOD.
His mantra to Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. is spoken with reverence by those Torontonians with a social conscience and enough disposable income to live organic, green and sustainable.
And it isn’t only Toronto. From what I have heard, this new breed of Agri-Intellectuals can be found in every city in North America and beyond.
In fact, according to the most recent census data, Agri-Intellectuals are America’s fastest growing ethnic population.
And that’s great for Michael Pollan’s book sales.
But, not so great for conventional farmers.
And they’re starting to get a little pissed off.

This past July, farmer Blake Hurst penned this article.
In the article, Mr Hurst disputes a number of the anti-Big Ag arguments raised by Michael Pollan and other Agri-Intellectual deities.
He reminds us that “farming has always been messy and painful, and bloody and dirty. It […]

Original post by DR

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What is your workout schedule? What do your meals look like? How did you lose weight and stretch marks after pregnancy? These are just a few of the questions you sent in last week.
Hello, everyone! It’s Carrie Sisson here today to field your questions. Last week Mark and I asked for any questions you might have about my experience living the Primal lifestyle. I want to thank everyone who commented for your kind words and thoughtful questions. I’d love to hear your thoughts to my responses in the comment board today. Thanks again and Grok on!

Fitness Questions
What kind of workouts do you do?
I love to be outdoors, hiking or sprinting on the beach.

I work out in the gym with a personal trainer (a bodybuilder who won the Miss California title) to maintain my muscle tone and strength. I also do some yoga, because I love the way I feel after […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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The basis of Tabata Training is 4 minutes of intense interval training. What you are doing is taking an exercise we’ll use sprints as an example here. Sprint as hard as you can for 20 seconds Walk for 10 seconds Repeat 7 more times for a total of 8 sets. So what you have is a total of 4 minutes workout time. Tabata Training can be done with a number of different exercises the idea is to use an exercise that gets the whole body involved or at least the major muscle groups.Tabata Training can be done with Barbells, Dumbells, Kettlebells or just Bodyweight exercises. I’ll give you some other exercises and routines to try in a minute but first let me give you some background and how Tabatas work. Tabata Training was developed by Izumi Tabata (imagine that) at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. […]

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Ryan Kwanten is an example of a guy who stays extremely fit without going anywhere near a gym. He also keeps a normal amount of muscle mass for his frame, while keeping his body fat low. The result is a physique that looks great in nice clothes as well as on the beach. True Blood is an extremely entertaining show by the way, me and my girlfriend are hooked. So let's talk more about Ryan Kwanten's workout and how he stays so lean.

[The cool thing about being slim and muscular is that you can look great in stylish clothing. You certainly don't have to be as slim as Ryan, but there really isn't a big need to go out of your way to add a bunch of muscle. Being the normal size for your frame with exceptional conditioning, will create a better look than endlessly pursuing muscle mass.]
A Bit […]

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Ryan Kwanten is an example of a guy who stays extremely fit without going anywhere near a gym. He also keeps a normal amount of muscle mass for his frame, while keeping his body fat low. The result is a physique that looks great in nice clothes as well as on the beach. True Blood is an extremely entertaining show by the way, me and my girlfriend are hooked. So let's talk more about Ryan Kwanten's workout and how he stays so lean.

[The cool thing about being slim and muscular is that you can look great in stylish clothing. You certainly don’t have to be as slim as Ryan, but there really isn’t a big need to go out of your way to add a bunch of muscle. Being the normal size for your frame with exceptional conditioning, will create a better look than endlessly pursuing muscle mass.]
A Bit […]

Original post by admin

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Eat More Carbs

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Original post by DR

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